Short Bonus Chapter

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(15 years later) {Pete POV}

"A'LA GIVE ME BACK MY SKETCHBOOK" My 9 year old daughter A'Pana screams at her big sister.

"No you ripped up my homework and blamed it on A'Aim, now you cost me my grade you idiot" A'La my 15 year old yells back.

I sigh and rub my forehead, I swear they will be the death of me.

"BOTH OF YOU STOP FIGHTING, A'La give your sister her sketchbook back and A'Pana what have I told you about calling your little sister names, you know she's sensitive?" A'Pana rolls her eyes, just like her father.

"Well, tell her to knock it off, she's always ruining my stuff" I run my hands through my hair.

"Both of you knock it off this instant, and roll your eyes at me one more time and I will take your phone away A'Pana, now go separate yourself until your father comes home" they both huff and go and sit on different couches.

Jeez Louise, my god they get on my nerves sometimes.

I hear a crackle in the kitchen and walk in to find my 5 year old son eating a bag of chocolate chip cookies.

"A'Bam What have I told you about eating sweets before dinner?" He jumps and smiles at me timidly.

"Sowy mama, I hungy" I chuckle and pick him up wiping away the chocolate from his mouth and cheeks.

"Pete I'm home" my husband of 15 years says coming into the house.

"DADDY!!!" The girls scream running to their father.

"Hi my girls, where's my little man?" Ae says holding onto the girls and watching his son waddle to him.

A'Bam wraps his arms around Ae's neck.

"Oh I missed my beautiful family, now where's my sexy husband" I giggle as the girls squeal in distaste when Ae kisses me passionately.

"Eww mommy and daddy take that somewhere else" I smile at my little family and wondered how I got so lucky.

"Whose Hungry?" A chorus of yes's are heard.
"I am Famished" my little family sits at the table and enjoys are dinner.

Just a little something to make you smile.

Well this is it! Again I want to say Thank You 🙏🏻😘

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