Chapter 11

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Hey everyone, so I had a challenge (kind of) to see who I will be writing about next and my mom was the tie breaker and she drew out of a hat 🧢 and she got Ae/Pete as the winners and Kengkla/Techno will be my third story 😊 anyways I am so excited to be writing another Ae/Pete story but it will be a different genre and it MAY have some characters from other BL Shows so watch out for that but without further ado let's get into the chapter.

Drama is about to ensue (insert Evil laugh 😈)

(Pete POV) {4 months later} [Time Skip]

"AE? have you seen my blue sweater?" I yell.

"IT'S IN THE HAMPER UNDER THE BATHROOM COUNTER" I look and find it and smell it.

Good still smells nice, I slip it on and grab my phone and keys.

"Ready baby" Ae asks playing on his phone.

"Yup, let's go. Mom is waiting" we get our shoes on and lock the front door.

"Shit babe, we gotta hurry" I say buckling up and starting the car.

10 minutes later we pull into my mom's driveway and I spot 2 other cars.

"Who is that?" Ae asks, I shrug and we get out of the car holding hands.

"Mom? We're here" we walk into the living room.

"Pete, my son how are you?" I stare at my bastard father 'sorry' and his stupid wife and other son.

"I'm fine, mom what is he doing here? Oh hello detective Pong?"

"Just Pong will be fine, remember I'm dating your mom now, you don't have to call me detective" I blush and nod.
(a/n: Didn't see that coming, did ya?)

"Sorry force of habit, you remember Ae?" Pong nods and shakes his hand.

"How are Ae?"

"I'm great sir" he says bowing.

"So, what's dad doing here?" I hear a throat clear and look at my father annoyed.

"Son, you can't keep treating me like a stranger" I laugh.

"Me treating you like a stranger? You never once sent me a birthday card, or a text saying I love you son I'm so proud of all the things you've accomplished, not even a call to say congratulations on getting my drivers license or getting good grades in school, you don't give one shit about me or the things I've done to try and make you proud, no you treat me like dirt and you walked all over mom and had the audacity to cheat on her with that woman beside you and then proceeded to have another child with her and you know what l? You've got the son you've always wanted congratulations" I wipe away my tears as Ae hugs me tight.

"Son, I never intend to hurt your mother, or you" I scoff.

"Well you did, do you know what mother had to go through? Huh! That's because you don't, I was there for her when she cried days on end, I was there for her to wipe away the tears, I was there to take care of her while you were galavanting away with your mistress, I was there to help around the house because she couldn't get out of bed, she wondered why her "husband" didn't love her anymore, how she wished she was good enough for you, you caused all her pain and now Pong will cause her happiness from now on, he's been more of a father to me then you ever have, if you want me to be happy then you need to stay away from us, cause I don't need you, I have everything and everyone I could ever ask for, and I won't let you EVER get to contradict how I live my life" Ae squeezes my hand.

"It's that boy. He's changed you, into something I don't like" I glare at my father.

"THAT boy has a name and it's Ae, and he is my boyfriend, and you don't have a say in who I date, yes he's changed me, he's changed me into a way I don't have to be afraid of, he makes me feel wanted and beautiful and he makes me happy and I love him, you wouldn't know what true love is if it bit you in the ass, so don't you dare speak about him that way"

"I'm sorry son, we'll be leaving. Let's go guys" I watch as he grabs her hand and walks outside.

"I'm sorry Pete about everything, I swear I'm not trying to take father away from you, but I want us to be friends" Peng says hugging me.

I hug him back "I know, and yeah we can be friends" he smiles and runs off when he hears his mom calling for him.

"I'm so proud of you baby, I am so happy that you love me as much as I love you" I giggle as he kisses my nose and wipes away my tears.

"Mom I'm sorry" he gives me a hug and pats my head.

"It's okay sweetheart, you had a lot on your chest and it needed to be said, I want you to know I appreciate that you helped me along the way, I couldn't have asked for a better son. Your my world and you took care of me when I couldn't care for myself, now that I have Pong, you don't have to take care of me anymore, I'm a big girl, I got this" I smile and pull Ae and my mom into a giant hug.

"I love you guys" they squeeze me tighter.

"Hey what about me?" I giggle and run to Pong and give him a big hug.

"Thank you for taking care of my mother?" He kisses my forehead.

"No problem"

"Now, Whose Hungry?" I knew right then and there I would always have a happy life.

Or so I thought........

Okay so thoughts?

I literally cried 😭 while writing this lol like no joke.

Anyways I love you all and keep on reading 😘

Also I won't be updating on Thursday or Friday cause I will be out of town for thanksgiving and my sister is going to be coming down, so I won't post anything until Monday.

I hope everyone has a safe and wonderful Thanksgiving.

Quote of the day:

"No one has the power, to tell you how you live your life, it's you who has the power you need to make your life complete" -Anonymous

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