Ch 1.

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Okay here is the first chapter enjoy 😊

I never knew I would fall in love, especially with a man but when Pete would smile at me all shy and timid and blush profusely I knew I would love and protect him no matter what.

If a year ago, you said I would be dating a man and loving him for his cute shy self I would have laughed and walked away.

But here I am laying next to my beautiful boyfriend and watching him sleep (creepy I know) but when you have such a beautiful creature laying next to you, You can't help but stare.

"Ae, Stop staring your creeping me out" Pete says with his eyes still closed and a shy smile on his perfect pink lips.

I smile and watch as he opens his eyes. He blushes and hides his face behind the covers.

Chuckling I remove the cover and bend down kissing him sweetly, Pete lightly placed his hands on my face pulling me in for a longer more passionate kiss.

After our kiss, we get up and get ready to eat breakfast and get ready for school.

(At school)

Pete parks the car and we get out. Pete jumps when our friend pond comes rushing over to us scaring us.

"Seriously Pond! Do you have to be so loud in the morning?" Pond thinks for a minute and then smirks.

"Your the one whose loud, next time go to your place to do it with Ae" Pete blushes and slaps Pond in his chest.

Before Pete can respond I push pond away "leave him alone, go bug someone else you pervert" Pond laughs and runs away when I reach over to slap him.

"Hey Pete, hey Ae?" Our other friend Can says waving at us.

"Hi Can! Good morning" Pete says hugging him.

"Morning, so how was your weekend?"

"It was good Ae and I went to see my mother and just stayed mostly at my apartment watching movies and tv" Can smiles but it wipes away when his enemy Tin comes over to us with that intense stare he gives everyone.

"Pete we need to talk?" I clench my teeth.

I walk over and place my arm around his waist "What you have to say to Pete, you can say in front of me" Tin glares and sighs loudly.

"Do you still accept my offer?" I look at Pete.

"I already told you no last year, I'm with Ae and I love him, you should find someone else to be your boyfriend" I smirk at Tin as he looks me up and down.

"Your seriously still dating him, you could do so much better" I'm about to punch him when Can steps in between us.

"Leave them alone you asshole. He already told you no, what can't you get through your thick skull? He loves Ae find someone else to control and bug. Let's go guys" can says taking our wrists and walking us to class leaving a pissed off Tin.

"Thanks Can" Pete says smiling.

"Your welcome, you guys are my friends and brothers nobody messes with you guys" he says smiling.

I wrap my arms around my boyfriend and friends necks and head into class.

Okay I have finished the first Chapter I hope it was good.

Let me know what you think.

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