Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

Blake’s POV

What do I do? What do I do? What do I do?

My pacing only increased as Kyle watched calmly from his seat. Not only had she lost her memory, but the council had rejected my claim for a rouge pack! Out of all the people, they had to reject my claim!

“Look, Blake, you need to calm down and take a deep breath. Just because the council didn’t accept the fact that there was a rouge pack, doesn’t mean that you’re going to be punished for murder. You have perfectly good reasons for killing the guy” Kyle reasoned. He was right. Why would they send me to jail when he raped my mate? I mean, just because they didn’t believe the rouge part didn’t mean that I was a goner.

Did it?

“Kyle, don’t you see? If they don’t have evidence that he raped and beat my mate, I’ll go for murder. I can’t afford for that to happen” I growled, my pacing only increasing. I had only just gotten Leera to be with me yesterday, I can’t ruin it now, not when I just got with her. I was questioning that she even like me at all, guess it didn’t hurt to ask.

“I know it may seem harsh, but you can’t exactly go against them. You need proof, and frankly, they probably can’t be bothered to search the amazon for a secret hideout. They’re just a bunch of old men who love the power they hold over everyone” I nodded, not really listening to what Kyle was telling me. What if it wasn’t enough evidence, would they take me -one of the most powerful Alpha’s- away?

“I receive a letter two days ago, with no reason why they reject the claim. Do you think it was a bad idea trying to get Leera with me before they do anything drastic? Do you think I’m pushing it with her?” I asked Kyle. One of the only reasons why I stepped out and asked her to be with me was mainly because of that letter. It scared me, knowing that I could be taken away from her so soon.

“That’s up to you, man. But I suggest telling her this, she’ll probably be pissed that you didn’t tell her straight away” he pursed his lips, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Also because she seems to be good with information and plans; get her to give you ideas. You may be the head leader, but she’s just as important to the pack as you are” trust Kyle to give good advice.

“Okay. I’ll tell her now” Why would the council refuse to acknowledge that there was a rouge pack? My mate was physically and mentally abused, why couldn’t they do something about it? I was the Alpha of the biggest pack on the continent. There had to be a reason for that. And now they say that I could go away for murdering someone without reason? What kind of bullshit is this?!

“You look like a raging bull. What’s up?” Lee stepped into the doorway, making room for Kyle to walk past out of the room. Does she always have bad timing? I was just about to make up a speech for what to say to her. She would probably bite my head off or something for not telling her.

‘Either way, you’d still love it’ my wolf chuckled. I bit back my tongue from lashing out at him. Right now was not the time!

“You don’t look too amazing yourself” Lie. She looked absolutely gorgeous as always. My pride was starting to get in the way.

“Wow, Blake” she mock gasped, placing a hand on her chest. “You really know how to make a girl feel good about themselves” I laughed lightly at her natural dry humour. It was funny sometimes, but it could also annoy the crap out of me.

“You might want to sit down. I’m worried you might kill me” I winced at the accusing glare she sent me.

“What do you mean?” she said lowly, sitting down on the black leather sofa. “Why would you think I would hurt you?” Various reasons. “Is it really that bad?”

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