Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Leera's POV

It was dead silent for a few seconds, before everyone except Blake, Kyle and the few men sitting close to Blake, started yelling in rage and displeasure.

What the hell?! What happened to discussing this like civilised people?

"Everyone calm down!" Blake roared, and everyone winced, and sat back down. Except me, I just walked further into the room.

"Who gave this girl the right to come in here and feed us bullshit?! Everyone knows that the remaining rogue packs have been killed" the guy who thought Jackson ran off to Russia, exclaimed. He had short, cropped greying hair, and light blue eyes, with a roundish face and sharp features.

"I'm sorry, but at least my facts are more believable than yours. Russia, huh! You've got a crazy imagination" I chuckled, his face turned a deep shade of red, and I heard a couple of chuckles that were smothered by coughs.

"Who do you think you are?" he hissed, a venomous look flashing in his eyes.

"A person with obvious common sense, unlike you" I raised my eyebrows, waiting for his comeback.

"You bitch!" he snarled, I felt Blake tense up beside me.

"Well, technically I am one-"

"Watch what you say to my mate, Sandon" Blake growled, I heard a few gasps from the men; looks like they didn't know who I was.

"Mate? She's your mate?!" no shit, do you think he would defend me if I wasn't his mate, or even lie about it? Blake growled at the tone in Sandon's voice.

"No offence Alpha, but she isn't what you call..." Sandon clucked his tongue, "Luna material, but there are other girls for the job-" He didn't get to finish that sentence, because Kyle picked him up by his shirt, and dragged him out of his chair.

"Do you realise what you're saying, mutt" Kyle snarled, of course I knew Sandon had to submit to the beta, so I was enjoying the show while it lasted. Sandon growled, but lowered his head by an inch, and scowled at me. When Sandon didn't reply to Kyle's comment, he got extra pissed.

"It's means; you're challenging the Alpha for his mate. You should know what happens after that" Kyle yelled in his face, and dropped Sandon, he managed to land on his feet, it seemed like that scowl was permanently stuck on his face. It was only then did I realise Blake was directly behind me, and shaking like he was being electrocuted. Sandon only further pissed both the leaders off by siting back in his chair, was he asking for a death sentence?!

"Sandon, rise!" Blake growled, using his full Alpha command. Everyone in the room visibly shook from the power in his voice, and most heads were lowered in submission. I heard Sandon whimper, and I smirked to myself.

Serves him right.

When Sandon stood up, his legs were shaking, but I'm pretty sure Blake didn't notice. Someone's in deep shit now...

"First you treat my mate as if she was a lowly servant, insult her, say she's unfit to become your Alpha Female and then you say I should have another female, who is not my mate become your Alpha Female. That is unacceptable, and you have not only disrespected your Luna, but me as well" Blake booms, an impassive expression on his face, I'm pretty sure mine was like that as well.

I give Blake a sidewards glance, and turn back towards the cowering man. I had never seen this side to Blake before; I wasn't exactly sure how I should react. Should I tell a joke to lighten the situation, remain serious like he is or start going all macho and yell at Sandon?

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