Chapter 36

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He greeted Jess with a hug and thanked her for coming with me then sat in between us.

"Urm I'll give you guys some time."

"Jessie you don't have to go!"

He weakly smiled at her which made him receive a heart warming smile from Jessie.

"So Joey tell me exactly what's going on?"

He took a deep breath which had a lot of effort in and rubbed his temples.

"Right basically she's 7 and a half months pregnant so she shouldn't be due for another 6 weeks. The baby is gonna be very early and the doctors are unsure of how the baby will cope. The doctors have also told me about the risks with Lara, infection is likely.... What am I gonna do?"

"You'll get through this Joey! I'll be here for you, I promised. I've got you!"

"You two go and see her then when her mum gets here we will stay with her until labour, then you two come in."

"Oh Joey I don't want to intrude."

"Jessie you wouldn't be intruding I'm asking you?"

She nodded and I linked her hand and walked for the door Joey had pointed out. I took a long deep breath before opening the door. Lara looked bad, ill and tired. She mainly looked drained.

"Hey girls."

Her voice was weak but she tried her best to smile at us.

A tear rolled down my cheek and when I sat down she wiped it away.

"Don't cry, we have to try and stay positive."

"I know but it's hard."

Jess pulled a chair up next to me and our hands rejoined.

"Thank you for coming with Izzi it means a lot to have you here!"

She smiled gratefully and squeezed my hand.

"It's okay honestly. I'll be here for as long as you guys want!"

Lara explained a bit more about the thing that's going on and that she's at risk of infection but they weren't sure. She was due to give birth to the baby in the upcoming 3 hours and she was aloud 4 people in the room. Which was Joey, her mum Sandy, me and Jess.

We spent about 15 minutes with her before we felt like letting Sandy and Joey see her.

"I'll see you when it's time to meet him, I love you two."

"We love you."

We all hugged and said goodbye then walked out the room. I greeted her mum and dad who looked devastated. Her mum, dad and Joey were the only three people aloud in at this point so now me and Jess just had to wait.

"Come here."

I sat in a double chair with Jessie who I couldn't been more grateful to have her with me. Holding my hand, hugging me, her presence made everything seem a little better, I was lucky to have her and I'd never forget it whatever happened.

The time passed slow like really slow the clock acted as it wasn't moving. Me and Jess occasionally spoke but we were just waiting to be called in. It had been about and hour since seeing Joey until he appeared out of he room.

"Girls do you want a coffee or anything?"

I looked to Jessie and she nodded.

"Yeah two coffees please Joe."

He slouched off and walked to find the closest coffee machine. It was 1:40 pm so I guessed she would have the baby before 6 pm but no one really knew. Joey brought us back our coffees and say down next to me.

"Anything new?"

He sighed loudly and shrugged.

"Nothing really they're saying the same, we just got wait. Are you guys gonna stay here?"

"I get you, yeah we'll stay! You go be back with her."

He smiled and stood up and hugged me tightly and hugged Jessie aswell. I sipped at my coffee with it still not giving me any life. Jessie's phone lit up and I caught the called id which was her mum. She mouthed 'I'm gonna take this.' and I nodded and smiled letting her got to take it.

It was gonna be a long long night, but it was worth it to meet my nephew. Jessie was on the phone for about 15/20 minutes and I could faintly hear her talking.

She spoke so lovely and explained everything so well. It was so nice when she spoke about Joey and Lara and how nice they were. Then they said a long goodbye and she came back to sit next to me.

"Mums picked Jacko up and she sends all the best."

I looked into her eyes and I saw how much she meant everything she had said today.

"Thank you Jess."

"For what baby?"

"Just being here, it means more than you'll ever knows, whatever happens you'll have a special place in my heart."

Oooo what's gonna happen??

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