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Book Title: Red

By: NorthernLanterns

Summary: Everyone hated Olivia Pratt. Not because she was mean or anything but because she was perfect. Too perfect. The girls hated her because of her looks, the guys hated her because she beat all of them at sports, even the teachers hated her because she was too smart for their curriculum. Olivia takes it in, her head bowed down. But everyone breaks at some point. What's hers?


1. Something really dumb actually. I was reading off a list of 'In Case Of...' shit happening off the wall at school when I thought of it.

2.  I wanted Olivia to be a strong character in the story but also one that usually obeys the rules and I immediately thought of Fringe, the show, whose main character is called Olivia. No offense to all Trish's out there but Trish just sounds like a bitchy name so that's how I got Trish. As for the rest, they were at random.

3. First and foremost, <- saw that somewhere and loved it, I hope to complete my first book on Wattpad since I usually run out of gas at the first chapter. I also want to show people that action doesn't need to take place in somewhere urban or in a secret location in the woods. It could just be a small town. Differentiation is good.

4. Too many... can we just leave it at that?   XD

5.  Action mostly, I'm not sure if it's really a short story anymore or anything else.

6.  Brom for sure. His stories are filled with the right balance of action, emotion, and detail that makes his characters so easy to love/hate. Plus there are really cool pictures on the side which is hard to find in a novel nowadays.

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