Chapter 42.

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Rhett's hand rubbed against the back of my shoulder as Dominic leaned forward with a slow smile. "Something tells me you will be Thalia. I sense that same strength running through your veins. You're going to be a great leader for your people, and mother to your child." His eyes dropped to the now sleeping toddler in my arms before he nodded once. "I assume you will need to return to your pack soon to settle in. But you're welcome to stay here as long as you need."

I gave him a small smile as I paused, looking up at Rhett. "We will need to get back now that everyone has healed. It's time to ensure the future of our pack. We can come back once everything's settled and finalized." His voice was smooth as he nodded over to Dominic.

"I'll be in touch soon as we can." I said quietly. "I'd really love to know more about my mother. Turns out she was so much more than I ever knew. I would like to hear about her more if you're willing."

Dominic nodded his head once as his jaw clenched. "I will tell you what I'm able."

I leaned forward and caught his gaze as it swirled darker. "I'd also like to know more about you, and tell you about me. If you'd like." My voice was quiet and I tried to hide the uncertainty running rampant through me. He most likely had no interest in pursuing anything further. He was the Alpha of one of the strongest packs. Yes I was his daughter, but that didn't mean I should be expecting any warm fuzzy relationship to sprout with my father now that he suddenly knows about me. He was right. He did have a reputation that preceded him.

His voice jerked me back to reality and I found myself shaking my head to clear my thoughts. "Sorry what?"

He chuckled lowly as he stood. "I said, I would like that." He reached his hand out to help me to my feet. "Very much."

I nodded and gave him a small smile before letting Rhett guide me out of the room. I let out he breath I'd been holding and felt my thoughts finally begin to catch up with my body. I had so many questions. So much I wanted to know.

How could she have not told me this? Why wouldn't she want me to know?

Because I'd have gone to find him. I'd have insisted I find the whole truth. She knew me better than I could have known myself. She knew I wouldn't settle for not knowing him.

We made our way back to the cabin and gathered our things quietly. Huntleigh didn't budge as we scooped her from the couch and climbed into the cars to return home.


My home.


She whimpered and nuzzled into me further as the car pulled away. Like she knew she was leaving behind the only home she'd known. The only parent she'd known. But also the pain and the hurt. The sad memories trailed behind us like leaves blowing through the wind as the cars sped down the road, leaving us all silent in thought until we finally arrived back on the Spirit Moon lands.

I climbed out, trying to hold Huntleigh close but she was sprawling out like dead weight. Rhett came around the car and gently took her from me, draping her across his broad chest and laying her head on his shoulder before he nodded behind me. I hadn't realized our car had separated from the others and pulled up the hill to a large single home, standing over the others below on the path ahead. This one was tucked inside the trees on the mountain with a view of the pack land ahead and the other homes scattered around the pack house below.

I turned around to face Rhett but he just smiled back at me. "I thought we needed a place of our own. The pack house didn't seem quite right now." His eyes dropped to the sleeping toddler in his arms before making their way back to me. "Is it ok?"

My eyes filled with unshed tears as I walked over to stand in front of him, placing my hand on his arm as my fingers stroked softly against his skin. "Of course it's ok." I said with a broken laugh as tears began to fall one by one. I turned to look at the house behind me. "It's beautiful Rhett."

He nodded and took my hand, leading me inside and my jaw dropped. The ceilings were at least two stories tall, and beautiful lighter wood covered the ceiling as beams cane to a point at the peak. The living room was open in front of us with windows looking over the trees. The dining room opened to an enormous patio that floated within the landscape, looking over the mountainside as trees surrounded us.

As I was about to walk down the hallway, I heard a knock on the door. I looked at Rhett in confusion, but he simply walked to the door to open it. Anniston stood smiling in front of us. She hurried in and stopped in front of me. "I'm so glad you are all ok! We were all so worried about you. I'm so happy you got everyone out safely." I smiled back and squeezed her hands gently in mine. She turned to face Huntleigh as Rhett came closer. "Hello little one." She whispered.

Rhett responded quietly, not wanting to wake her. "Her things are in the car and I'll send for her first thing tomorrow."

I stiffened and began to protest but he shook his head at me. "It's just for tonight. She will stay with Anniston and Ivy will be checking in. She will be fine Lili."

Anniston nodded and gently took Huntleigh from him before giving us both a blushing smile and walking back out, shutting the door quietly behind her.

I stood frozen, unsure and confused as I looked up at Rhett as he walked over to stand in front of me. "We will get her settled in to her room first thing tomorrow. I promise." He said soothingly, stroking my cheek before brushing my hair from my face.

"I don't understand." I finally answered.

He just smiled down at me and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers as he lead me down the hall to a door on the right. He opened the door and inside was a small day bed with a canopy pulled to a peak above it. The room had a large picture window that let the remaining light of the day inside as the sun set over the mountain in front of us. He'd given her a room.

"This will be Huntleigh's room." His voice broke through as I fought back the emotion quickly filling inside of me. I turned to face him as a tear fell down my cheek. "Do you think she'll like it?" He asked quietly.

I nodded as I let out a tight laugh. It was taking everything I had my to let the emotion melt me into a puddle in the floor. "She'll love it." I finally said as I wiped the tears from my face. I placed my hand on his chest and smiled. "Thank you Rhett. This is more than I could have ever dreamt of."

He took my hand in his and brought it to his lips before pulling me out and down the hall, slowly making our way to the other side of the house. We got to the end of the opposite hall and he opened the door.

Inside, a wall lined from floor to ceiling with windows met my gaze. The room held a huge King bed and plush rugs in front of a large stone fireplace. To the side was a large window opened with a window bed overlooking the scenery around us. It was stunning.

"This is the master. It's ours." Rhett finally said lowly. "If you'll accept it." His arms snaked around my waist and pulled me into him, pressing me against his chest. "Will you?" He asked as his lips brushed against my ear sending a chill down my spine.

I nodded slowly as goosebumps rose against my skin at his touch as his lips moved to my neck, brushing lightly against my skin. "Yes." I said, letting the shock and joy finally radiate through me. "There's nowhere else I'd rather be." This was ours. I finally had a true place to call home that was mine. Our home.

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