Chapter 39.

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Cage snarled as I stalked toward him, stopping to stand in front of him. Dominic walked over to loosen his restraints, warning me to step back before moving to stand behind him and forcing him to his knees. He nodded to Rhett who walked over to stand behind him, gripping his head back so that he was completely exposed to me.

"After everything you've done, you're finally going to pay for everything you did you bastard." I said quietly.

Cage snarled and fought against Rhett's hold but his hold only tightened around his neck and head, his claws popping out and digging into his flesh. "Be still or I'll slit your throat right here." Rhett sneered.

"You'll see. When she's done with you, she'll leave you with a knife in your back just like she left me with one in my neck. This bitch means nothing. She's just a little whore who's good at being on her back." Cage said, every word dripping with hatred as he breathed heavily.

I felt the same anger beginning to bubble inside of me, sending a wave of fury crashing over me. "Get him up." I snapped and Rhett yanked him to his feet, gripping him tightly so that he couldn't move.

"What the fuck are you going to do? You're weak. You can't hurt me bitch." Cage said as his words tightened in his constricted throat.

"Funny. I wouldn't have chosen those words, but now that you mention it, I know exactly what you deserve." I said quietly, almost laughing even though I held no humor inside of me.

I stepped forward and my hands trailed down his chest before dropping down his stomach and falling on the waist of his pants. My claws extended and I shredded the waist, letting them fall along with the tattered underwear beneath. He pulled against Rhett's hold but he only growled loudly, gripping his claws tighter into his neck and earning a painful cry from Cage.

"You thought this was your strongest weapon, the one that scared me the most. And you used to be right, but now..." I said, reaching down and allowing my claws to grip through his flesh at his groin. Cage let out a howling cry as I gripped tighter and felt warm blood drip down my hand. "Now, it's nothing. And that's how I plan to leave you." I said. With a hard clench of my claws, I twisted my hand and ripped every piece of manhood from his body, leaving only a bloodied gaping wound behind as I tossed it to the side of the room, the scent of iron rich blood permeating the air.

Cage groaned in pain and his knees buckled beneath him. Rhett let him fall, but held his head high with his claws imbedded in his neck to keep him still.

"You...bitch." Cage forced out as he gasped for air.

I leaned forward, bringing my face to hover just in front of his. "You're nothing Cage. And now it's finally over." I looked up at Rhett and nodded. Rhett growled in satisfaction as he pulled one clawed hand from Cage's neck. He reached in front of Cage, letting his claws extend completely before dragging them painfully slow across the front of his neck. Blood flowed freely from each wound trailing behind as he began to gurgle and thrash. "Goodbye Cage." I snarled as Rhett's claws came to the other side of his neck.

Cage's once electric eyes faded to a pale gray before finally releasing all light from inside of them. His face went slack as Rhett released him, letting his body slump forward and fall to the ground with a quiet thud. Blood filled the floor beneath him and I could no longer hear a heartbeat.

He was gone.

It was finally over.

I was free.

I let out a hard breath and staggered back, stopping as I bumped against the wall behind me. I let the coolness of the stone against my back ground me as Rhett walked over to speak with Dominic. My eyes fell to the lifeless body lying front of me, crumpled on the ground. I couldn't believe it was finally finished. I was free from him forever. I'd never again have to leave a place behind, looking over my shoulder and waiting for him to find me.

"Let's get out of here." Rhett's voice spoke softly, commanding my attention as I was yanked from my thoughts.

I nodded woodenly and stood, looking to Dominic as Rhett stepped around me. He gave me a short nod before turning back to face his two Deltas. Rhett's hand reached for mine as he gently tugged me behind him, leading me out of the dank dark cellars and out toward the light. The sun was setting and I let the fading warmth of the day wash over me as I took a deep breath of clean air. I hadn't realized it, but I was shaking as Rhett pulled my hand to his chest and pulled me into him, wrapping his strong arm around me protectively as he leaned his head down to rest his forehead against mine. We stood silently in each other's hold, eyes closed and breathing deeply, trying to find comfort within each other.

"Are you ok?" He finally said, breaking the silence and pulling me back to reality as my eyes fluttered open.

I looked up at him and nodded. "I think I finally am. I thought I'd be more afraid, or upset, but I just feel relief. Freedom even. It's like this dark cloud had been hanging over me and the sun can finally get through."

Rhett leaned down, letting his lips brush against mine as he kissed me tenderly. He pulled away and his steel blue gaze met mine. "You were incredible in there. You were so much stronger than I could have imagined in front of him."

A breath caught in my throat at the memory and I gave him a small smile. "It's easy to be strong when he's caged up in a cellar. I should have been strong sooner, when it mattered." I said quietly.

Rhett gently tugged my chin up so I would look at him. "Don't say that. You did what you had to, to survive. Don't ever think less of that. You're so much stronger than you give yourself credit for. And what I saw in there was nothing short of the ferocity of an Alpha herself. You were amazing Lili."

My jaw loosened and my lips parted at his words. "Thank you Rhett." I said finally, realizing I hadn't answered him. "No one's ever seen me the way you see me. It's like you see me for more than I ever thought I could be."

He shook his head and leaned forward, his lips hovering just in front of me as he stroked his thumb down my jaw. "I see you for what you are." His lips met mine in a deep kiss, every emotion being poured into it as he pulled me tighter against his hard body.

I felt warmth radiating from my lips, slowly growing as it heated throughout my body. I gasped as his grip tightened and his tongue dove through my lips, tangling with mine as I pushed up on my toes to gain better access to him, my arms snaking around his neck as he gripped his hands harder into my hips. A quiet growl rumbled in his chest and I felt warmth pool at my core, my hands reaching into his hair as the kiss became hungrier.

A quiet cough brought us crashing back into the world surrounding us and we separated breathlessly and fighting to pull our attention to focus on the blonde Alpha standing behind us, rolling his eyes as he shifted his weight, his brows lifting in irritation. "If you two are finished, we need to tell the pack. We need to get cleaned up before everyone gathers, so I'll see you both in the pack house in an hour." His voice was deep and smooth, but his face showed his irritation at walking up on us.

A slight blush heated my cheeks, realizing that my father, who I hadn't even spoken with alone had just walked up on his daughter and her mate making out quite fiercely. My lips were swollen and I ducked my head as I stifled an embarrassed giggle as he stalked away.

"Well, that's a great way to get him to like me I think." Rhett said, stifling his own chuckle as he tucked me under his arm. "I think we're off to a good start. What do you think?"

I swatted at his chest as we walked back to the cabin we'd been moved to so we could get cleaned up. I wanted to hurry so I could tell Avery, but then I had to have the harder conversation. I had to tell Huntleigh that the man she'd called her father was no longer going to be around her. That he was dead. How do you tell a child that the only parent she's ever known has died and she will be living with the mother she never knew she had? The one she'd been told had abandoned her.

I shook the thoughts away and focused on one task at a time, walking into the cabin and dropping my bloodied clothes on the floor as I climbed into the shower, letting the steaming water wash over me. I closed my eyes and ducked my head beneath the water, trying to let it scourge off the memory of what had just happened. What I'd just done.

He was dead. Cage was finally dead, and I was free.

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