Chapter 18.

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The next few days passed in a blur. I barely saw Rhett, and when I did, it was as he passed on his way somewhere else with Asher and Weston. I'd gone over to his room the next morning, but he wasn't there. He hadn't been there the last two nights in a row.

I found myself throwing my attention completely into training, both in the group and individually with Ivy. She could sense something was off, but chose not to press and I was thankful for that.

"Shit Lili!" Ivy grunted as she massaged her jaw where my fist had connected. "I guess whatever's got you so uptight needs to keep happening." She said with a chuckle.

"I'm sorry Ivy. I didn't mean to. I just got distracted." I said, reaching up to inspect her face.

She quickly waved me away and laughed. "If you think I can't handle a couple of sneaky hits then you haven't been paying attention. I didn't get this position by being soft. I'm fine. It'll heal in no time."

We both plopped down onto the ground, leaning back to catch our breath. "I don't know what's going on, and I know you don't want to talk about it, but just know you can talk to me Lili. You know I won't judge you."

I sighed and placed my face in my hands. "It's not that I'm afraid you'll judge me. I know you won't."

"Then what is it?" She said, leaning forward and turning to face me.

I took a deep breath and pushed my hands into my hair. "I don't know where to start."

"Then let me see. Just start at the beginning." She said quietly.

I immediately sat up and turned to her, eyes wide in surprise. "Let you see?"

She nodded and leaned forward, pressing her hand on my shoulder. "I forget you're new to the pack bond. You've already seen that you can communicate within your mind with another pack member, but you can also send memories, feelings, whatever you want if you wish. You have to allow another to see it, but you can do it. You can also block us out completely if you want to."

"Can you show me?" I asked, unsure of how to begin, or how much I wanted to show her.

She nodded and smiled. "Just focus on my voice. Feel my presence, and sense my mind opening to yours. I will do the rest."

I did as she said and closed my eyes, trying to focus on her. I slowly saw an image pushing into my mind, blurry at first but becoming clearer by the second.

I was standing in front of Rhett's office. Without knocking on the door, I saw Asher immediately walk out, sensing me there. He leaned down and kissed me quickly before pulling away and rubbing his hand across the back of his neck.

"What's happened? What's wrong with him?" I asked quietly.

A loud crash came from inside the office and I heard a loud growl sound from behind the door. "He's being forced to give up his mate. How do you think he's doing?" Asher said lowly.

"What can I do?" I asked as another loud slam sounded inside the room behind Asher.

"Just watch out for her. He wants her protected at all times. In case that bastard comes looking for her before we're prepared."

I nodded and leaned up to kiss Asher tenderly, brushing my hand through his hair. "I'll take care of her. Don't worry."

"He's bad off right now. He'll appreciate hearing that someone she cares for is with her. Thanks babe." He said before leaning in to give me a kiss. He quickly turned to the room and walked through as another gut wrenching growl sounded from inside.

The image faded away and I was left in darkness, alone with my own thoughts. My eyes popped open and I stared over at Ivy as her beautiful blue eyes fluttered open.

"Was that real?" I asked in a breath.

She nodded slowly and gave me a small smile. "I don't know what happened, or why he had to give you up, but I know it wasn't his choice." She leaned forward and lowered her voice to a whisper. "And I also know that he is trying to correct whatever forced his hand. He and Asher have been going out every night for the last three days. They're going again tonight and Asher thinks it could be the night."

I let out a breath before I tried to refocus my thoughts. "Ok I'm ready." I said, shutting my eyes and trying to draw up the memories I'd worked so hard to push away.

I began by showing her Avery, and how she'd swooped in and rescued me from a life of solitude and helped me come into my own. I then conjured up the night I met Cage, and bits of how our relationship progressed from there. How he'd brought me into his home, spoiled me beyond imagination, and then slowly, bit by bit, isolated me. I showed him breaking me down, tearing me apart. I let her feel the pain he'd inflicted. I finally showed her the loss of my baby, and how I'd stashed away one of the silver scalpels from the healers before they'd left. I showed her the moment I stabbed him in the neck and ran for my life, getting away only with the help of a poor human who had passed me on the road. He'd killed him. Just for helping a stranger. I flashed to the years on the run, the feeling of always feeling a shadow lurking behind you. Finally, I showed her the moment Cage walked through Rhett's office door, walking back into my life and standing right in front of me as if he'd never left, and the destructive wake he left rippling behind. I could feel tears filling my eyes as I relived the moment Rhett told me he couldn't have me as his mate.

Her eyes flew open and she immediately jumped at me, throwing her arms around my neck as tears fell from her eyes. I let the ones threatening to break free from my own eyes fall freely as I wrapped my arms around her, hugging her tightly.

"Lili, I'm so sorry." Her voice broke through staggered breaths as she tried to reign in her tears. "I had no idea. I can't imagine living through that."

I nodded and pulled away, wiping away my tears as she did the same. "You're the only one who does. Not even Rhett knows everything. He only knows that Cage was terrible to me. He doesn't know more than that." I said.

She nodded and pressed a hand on my arm reassuringly. "I understand. I won't say a word about anything he doesn't know."

"Thank you Ivy. For showing me that. It was actually more helpful than you know. I couldn't understand why he'd suddenly decide we weren't right for each other. But now I know. Cage has something he's using as leverage. That has to be it. That's how he controlled me. It's all he knows how to do."

"What do you think he's using?" she asked, her voice seeming distant.

I shook my head, unsure of the right answer. "If I had to guess, he either is threatening to kill me, or has someone's life he's bartering. Who's I don't know."

"I'll see what I can find out. Don't worry Lili. Don't give up on him ok? It's going to be alright." She said, leaning in and hugging me once more.

I tried to force a smile onto my lips but it was easier said than done. I wish he'd just talked to me. Told me what was happening. Why didn't he trust me?

I said goodbye to Ivy and made my way back to the pack house. It was getting dark and my stomach rumbled as I came into my room. I took a quick shower before calling down for food. I didn't have the energy to make it through a night of chatter in the dining hall. I was too distracted. My food was delivered and I ate quickly, my mind elsewhere as I tried to sort through all of the information I'd gone through with Ivy.

Who could he have that he was bartering that would force Rhett's hand this way? He'd obviously threatened my life. He'd done that enough while I was with him for me to know that had been a strategy, but I was relatively safe here. It had to be someone else he was holding. That was the only explanation. But who?

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