Chapter 23.

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Lili's POV

I stalked into the training center, leaving a wake of fury behind me as I made my way to stand next to Ivy at the front of the group as she spoke with Asher and Weston. Her brows rose as she turned toward me. "Woah. What got you after you left? You look..."

"Furious. I need to run it off. Can we start with that?" I snapped, but instantly took a breath at the harshness of my words. I exhaled slowly and looked up to see her understanding expression as she watched me. "Please?" I said softer. 

Asher and Weston straightened and nodded before walking over to the group of males assembling, growing by the second. 

"What's going on over there?" I said with a nod.

Ivy gave me a small smile before looping her arm into mine. "It's the warriors. Alpha wants to assess them today."

My stomach dropped. Was he preparing for a fight? I was instantly distracted as a familiar raven haired she-wolf strutted through the door, being sure to walk through the large group of males who whistled at her until she made her way to the front of the group with a smirk.

I rolled my eyes and pulled my arm from Ivy's, shifting my weight angrily as I heard her clear her throat. "Ok ladies! Let's start with sprints. I'll tell you when to stop. Let's go." She said, waving forward for us to get started. 

The group took off, starting at a slow jog before turning into a full blown sprint. I immediately pulled ahead of the majority, only falling slightly behind Ivy. Soleil brushed against my shoulder, knocking me off balance as she pushed ahead of my and my foot caught, sending me tumbling to the ground as the others passed me. She turned to snicker at me before facing forward and running faster. I winced at the pain in my hand and saw that I'd scraped it as I caught myself in the fall. 

"Bitch." I snarled to myself and suddenly heard a low whistle from behind me.

Weston was jogging up to help me up, pulling me by my non-injured hand. He leaned forward and muttered quietly as humor filled his tone. "You gonna let her get away with that? You know you can beat her."

I huffed in aggravation and shook myself off before nodding at him. "Thanks." I said quietly before turning and bolting away. 

The main group was already around the curve, heading down the straight edge of the track by the time I caught up, falling in beside them. I quickly pushed myself forward, passing Anniston at the front until I was staggered between Ivy and Soleil and the main group. Soleil's hair whipped behind her as she ran, pushing her breasts out of her skimpy tank as we rounded the last corner and approached the boys. 

I could see that Rhett was now standing with them and barked out for them to fall in to warm up. Most of them quickly fell in between the three of us, scattering  as we increased our speed. Several fell in step with me and I could feel Rhett's eyes on me as he began to fall in, slowly pushing his way forward. I did not want to be near him right now. The memory of Soleil's scent on his skin sent a fresh wave of anger through me and I let it fuel me, forcing my legs to move faster as we came to a straight run. 

I quickly passed three more warriors before coming up just behind Soleil. She whipped her head over her shoulder and scowled, increasing her speed, but I held pace with her, quickly coming to run beside her. Her chest was heaving as I pushed myself harder, my legs burning with ecstasy as I allowed them to push harder than I had before. I quickly overtook her, cutting her off and catching up to Ivy, shooting her a wink as I passed her and Asher who was now holding pace with her. 

She cheered loudly as I surged forward, but I heard heavy steps falling behind me before they quickly sounded to my left. My head whipped to the side to see Rhett running beside me, barely breaking a sweat as a smirk played on the edge of his lips. I pushed my legs faster in an attempt to get away from him, but he just kept up with me, pulling slightly ahead but holding pace as we both bolted forward, a measurable pace ahead of the rest before slowly veering to the side and coming to a stop. My hands fell to my waist as I moved air in and out of my lungs, smirking knowing I'd kept up with the Alpha, even if I didn't want to. He grinned at me as the rest of the group filtered in, some collapsing onto the ground to rest as they gasped for air. 

Ivy bumped me as she let out a labored breath. "Did it again showoff. Shit girl, you're as fast as he is!" She said nodding towards Rhett.

He straightened, an expression of pride coming over him as he looked down at me. I let myself get lost for just a moment in his steel blue pools before a hard bump hit my shoulder. I snapped back to see raven hair whip next to me as Soleil swayed her hips, walking closer to Rhett. His expression turned hard and he stepped back, but she pursued him. He gave her a warning growl and she stopped, running a hand through her hair as she wiggled her shoulders to show off her exposed chest. "I know. Later." 

I heard her whisper and something snapped inside of me. I stalked up to her, bumping her shoulder harder as I passed her, heading away from the group toward our training spot. 

"Bitch, watch where you're going." I heard her snap before she tried to giggle at Rhett. 

I turned over my shoulder to look at her, "It's weird that you keep accidentally hitting me. You might want to get that checked out. Must be something wrong with you. Or you're just dirty. What, can't win on your own merit?" I said sharply.

"Excuse me? Who do you think you're talking to?" She sneered before stalking up to stand in front of me. "Don't start something you can't finish." 

I laughed and stepped closer, lowering my voice. "I think we both know I've already finished it once. Or don't you remember?" I said with a dark chuckle. Her eyes widened and snapped over my shoulder at Rhett and the group. 

I winked at her and stepped to the side but she matched me. "Lucky shot. It won't happen again and you know it. I'm better than you." Her voice rose higher and she smirked down her nose at me before finishing. "In more ways than one. Isn't that right Rhett baby?" 

Rhett growled lowly back at her and I snapped, knowing I had to respond. I instantly saw red. Time to settle this.

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