Chapter 26.

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I winced as I felt Rhett's fangs withdraw from my skin, but the pain was soothed as his tongue drug lazily over it as it healed. I did the same and was suddenly cold without him, but the bond moved steadily between our wolves, humming pleasantly at the partial bond we'd just created. My eyes met his and I could feel the joy rolling off his wolf as his eyes captured mine.

My stomach dropped slightly and I took a step back, my own emotions beginning to flood back into my mind.

What have we done? Will he know? Will he hurt her if he finds out?

My mind began to race and panic was slowly filling me, tightening my chest as I turned away from Rhett's piercing gaze. I couldn't think straight with him looking at me that way.

I felt his voice push into my mind, as I took a calming breath, trying to soothe my racing heart. "Lili, it will be ok. We'll find whoever he has. I promise you. I will release you from him." I let out a shaky breath before his next words entered my mind. "Shift." He commanded.

As if I was completely out of control of my own body, my wolf instantly submitted, pulling back into my subconscious as my fur began to become flesh once more.

I heard the padding of bare feet as he walked up to stand behind me, letting out a hard breath as he hovered behind me. He brushed my hair from my back over my shoulder as he inspected the markings tattooed into my skin. "So beautiful." His voice rumbled lowly as his fingers floated down the ink down my spine before tracing the outlines of my feather on my shoulder. 

I turned my face over my shoulder to see him staring intensely at me, his jaw clenching tightly as if he was concentrating. "What is this one for?" he asked finally, running his finger down my spine.

A shiver immediately followed his movement and I let out a breath before answering. "I got it after I left him. It was probably the most lonely time I've had in my life, even more than when I lost my mom." I felt the sudden sadness fill me as I remembered living on the run for years, always watching over my shoulder for him to find me, never being able to get close to anyone in case I had to bolt.

Rhett's fingers wrapped around my shoulder, stroking gently into my skin and I realized he could feel it, my sadness. My pain. 

"The only time I ever felt myself was when I could shift, running with the moon, like it was my only friend in the world." I said breathily as his fingers stroked circles into my skin, sending warmth through my entire body beneath his touch. 

"You're not alone anymore Lili. I won't let anything get to you. You're mine now." He gripped gently at my chin as his arm wrapped loosely around my waist. He tugged my mouth up to meet his in a tender kiss sending a jolt through my body before pulling away slightly, his lips hovering just in front of mine. "And I'm yours." He said, his voice low, rumbling through him and sending a shudder through me as he pulled me back against his firm chest. 

My breath caught in my throat and I could feel the tenderness in his touch, sense the love humming gently through the bond as he nuzzled into my neck. His lips brushed behind my ear and I gasped, my hand gripping into his arm as it tightened around my waist. "And as soon as I have you freed, I'm going to make you completely mine, in all forms. Will you accept me when I do?" He asked, his breath hot against my flesh as his mouth trailed down my flesh before finding his mark in the crook of my neck. 

I let out a quiet moan as he licked lazily over it, sending a shocking pulse of pleasure through me that filled me with warmth, heat beginning to pool at my core. 

"Is that a yes?" He said, his voice husky as he nipped the mark gently. 

I gasped again as the heat intensified within me and nodded my head, letting it fall further to the side to give him better access. 

"I need to hear it Lili. Say it." His voice was tender but commanding.

"Yes Rhett. I'll accept you when the time comes." I finally forced out as his hand gripped into my hip.

In an instant his arms loosened and he spun me around in one movement. His mouth crashed into mine, kissing me possessively, hungrily as warmth began to radiate between both of us. Heat surged through our half bond, causing my brain to become fuzzy as I felt my back bump against a rough hard surface. I gasped and felt his tongue plunge into my mouth, tangling with mine as his hands greedily roamed down my body. 

His body suddenly stiffened and he stilled before letting out a quiet growl of frustration. "Damn it. Of course this is happening now." He groaned through clenched teeth as he pressed his forehead against mine, breathing heavily as his heart pounded against his chest, matching my own. 

I gripped into his back as I tried to steady my own breathing, closing my eyes to try and pull a little control back into myself. 

"Fuck. I have to go. Will you be all right?" He said quietly, reluctance in his voice.

My eyes fluttered open and I blinked up at him to see a scowl pinching at his brows, pulling his mouth down at the corners. "Is it...Did they find someone?" I asked quietly as I exhaled.

He nodded and ran a hand softly through my hair, leaning down to press his lips to mine gently. "They did. I have to get back to the office to meet with Asher and Weston. I'll come find you as soon as we're done."

I  nodded and tried to give him a sure smile as he stepped away. His hand gripped mine before dropping it and stepping away, shifting to run back to the pack house. My body felt a chill, cold without him near, without his touch. If they'd found something, this had to be a good thing. I had to see it that way. I had to try and stay positive or I'd go crazy. Maybe they would be able to get them before it was too late. Maybe it would be all right after all, and I could finally be free. 

I found a shirt tucked behind the tree and pulled it over my head, meandering slowly back toward the pack house and making my way back to my room. I didn't have the energy after the fight to mingle with anyone today and all I wanted to do was crash into my bed and let sweet sleep carry me away. 

I quickly changed out of the shirt and slipped into my sports bra and boy shorts before crawling into my bed, every aching muscle crying to relax. My head hit the pillow and before I'd even rolled over, I was already asleep. Thankfully, this time, no dreams tortured me.

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