Chapter 27.

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My eyes fluttered open to the sound of a quiet knock on my door. My eyes blinked slowly, trying to pull myself out of a heavy sleep. The sky outside was still dark, barely giving way to the early morning sunlight peeking up over the horizon. What time was it? Had I been asleep all night?

I lazily pulled myself out of the bed and forced my feet to shuffle over to the door. "Who is it?" I said hoarsely, my speech slurring with sleep.

"It's me Lili. Please, let me in." Rhett's voice sounded from the other side of the door.

I steadied my nerves, running a hand over my face in an attempt to wake myself up. "What's wrong Rhett?" I asked sleepily, stepping out of the way so he could come into the room. "What are you doing here so late?"

He stepped in and shut the door behind him before slowly turning to look at me. My vision was enhanced enough that I could see his features, and he looked exhausted. The dark circles were showing beneath his tired eyes and his hair was disheveled like he'd run his hands through it a hundred times. He'd clearly been out all night again with Asher and Weston following up the lead they'd found. He stood still, his body straight as his jaw clenched and unclenched. He was searching for words.

"Did something happen after you left me today?" I asked but was suddenly stopped as he stepped forward, standing only inches from me as his mouth collided into mine.

I instantly felt warmth radiating from deep within me, slowly building as it surged through my body. My arms snaked around his neck as he pulled me tightly into his arms, pressing me against his firm chest. His hand tangled into my hair and gently pulled my mouth from his, instantly breaking the tingling connection between our lips. We both tried to slow our breathing as he pressed his forehead down against mine.

"Well hello to you too." I said with a quiet chuckle.

Confusion clouded my mind but I temporarily let it go, trying to hold onto this moment between us. I'd missed his touch against my skin more than I'd realized in such a short time.

"I'm sorry. I had to." He said through a staggered breath. He moved to pull away but my arms gripped tighter around his neck.

"Don't." I whispered, looking into his pale blue eyes. My hand moved on its own, floating up to rest against his cheek. He leaned into my touch, sending warmth through my hand and up my arm. "Talk to me Rhett. What's going on?"

He sighed and held my hand in his, pulling it away and leading me to sit on the bed. I followed him, slowly sitting on the bed and pushing my legs underneath me as I faced him.

"I've just come back from our southern border." He said slowly, not releasing my hand.

I let the distraction of the tingling touch against my skin pull me for a moment before I answered, snapping back to reality as I realized what he was referring to. "From the house Cage was hiding out in." I stated quietly.

He nodded and took a breath before continuing. "The men have been watching it now for days with no luck, but today they finally caught a break. That was why Asher called me back. He wanted to act immediately."

My mind began to race. Who could he actually have? "Did you find out if he was telling the truth? Does he have someone there with him?"

Rhett nodded slowly, his eyes breaking mine for just a moment as he took a breath. He met my gaze once more and this time I could see guilt in his eyes.

"What happened? Tell me now."

"Lili, he was telling the truth." He said lowly.

"Who does he have Rhett?" I said firmly. "It's Avery isn't it? That's all it could be."

He nodded and reached up to stroke my cheek. "Yes, he has a younger blonde female there that looks like the photo you gave me, and I've heard him call her Avery. She's a wolf."

I nodded quickly. "Yes. We have to get her Rhett." I said quickly, my fingers gripping hard into his hand as I tried to concentrate.

"Lili..." His voice broke and he hesitated. My eyes snapped up to meet his and I could see the emotion swirling in his eyes as his shoulders tensed. "Your daughter is alive."

As the words passed his lips, I felt myself freeze, as if time surrounding me had completely stalled. Could I have heard him right? My daughter? My free hand absently moved to my stomach as my mind began to race, thoughts flying through my mind as if I was trying to process a million thoughts at once.

"My...daughter? No. That's impossible. She didn't make it. She died. He told me. He...lied? I knew it. I knew he lied. But..." My voice was breaking out in barely a whisper as I spoke my thoughts out loud.

My met his as he watched me, waiting patiently for me to process the loaded information he'd delivered. His eyes swirled with so many emotions as he sat, breathing evenly.




My breathing began to quicken and it felt like I couldn't get enough air into my lungs. I leaned forward, pressing my arms against my knees as I hung my head over, holding it heavily in my hands as I raked them through my mussed blonde waves. "Oh my...How could this be true? She's been alive all this time...with him."

Something in me snapped and I leapt off of the bed, pacing in front of it as I tugged at my hair in frustration, pressing my hands hard into my scalp as I growled in anger. It was beginning to consume me.

"How could he have taken her from me? Lied to me. Hidden her away as if she didn't belong to me. She is mine. I have to get to her. I have to get her away from him before he hurts her." My words were leaving my mouth in quick spurts. I sounded insane as they tumbled out of me, my chest tightening as it became hard to breathe. My heart was pounding so hard against my chest, it felt as if it was going to leap out of my chest and run straight to her.

Rhett jumped off of the bed and quickly walked to stand in front of me, wrapping his large hands around my shoulders as he stopped my manic movements. "Lili, breathe. Come on, in and out. Do it with me."

He steadied me as he breathed in a dramatic breath through his nose and exhaled out of his mouth. I mirrored his movements several times, slowly feeling myself become somewhat grounded.

"Better?" He said softly, loosening his grip on my shoulders.

I nodded shakily as I met his gaze. "Thank you." I said softly.

His hand found mine and he tugged me outside towards the fresh air. I followed woodenly, moving slowly as he guided me to lean against the railing. I felt my heart beginning to slow to a steady quick beat, breathing in once more through my nose and out of my mouth as I closed my eyes. I let out a final shaky breath before turning to face him.

"How did you know it was her? That she was mine? It's been so long. It could be anyone's child but mine." I said quietly, trying to think rationally for the first time since he walked through my door.

His hand ran across the back of his neck and he paused, a small smile creeping at the edges of his lips. "I saw her myself. She looks just like you...She has your eyes Lili."

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