Chapter fifteen:

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When I woke up that morning I had made up my mind

That's why Christina's messages had no effect on me!
Which were

Please don't tell brian?
He doesn't know, right?
You didn't tell him, I know you didn't!
Please, I love him!

She was my best friend but I was not going to do something that will have a mark on my consciousness forever.

Brian was my friend too after all!

I called brian and asked him to meet me. He said he would come in 40 mins because he just woke up now

I got ready and waited. I was thinking about what I would say to him!

He finally came, we were walking in the yard

" I am sorry for what happened yesterday"

" Its no big deal, I did what a fake girlfriend would do!" I said with a nervous laugh

" Thanks my mom really liked you" he said

" She's a nice lady " I said

The sunlight was making him look more handsome and I couldn't tear my eyes away from him.

I have to tell him.
I can't keep him in the dark!
I thought to myself.

" Christina cheated on you at the party! " I burst out

He was rooted to the ground. His eyes searched mine. He looked hopeful that it would be a joke.

" I am not lying " I said

He searched my face and said

" I believe u"

I was relieved.

He then took my hand and the next thing I knew we were on our way to Christina's house.

She was on about to go somewhere when we came.
Looking at brian, she said to me

" You told him, didn't you?"

I didn't look away from her because I didn't do anything wrong.

Brian looked mortified.

It was one thing when I said it and another when she didn't even say no.

" I can't believe you cheated on me!"

" Baby I don't know how-

Brian didn't let her complete the sentence

" Don't show me your face ever again" he said

" How could you do this to me?" She replied

" Me? What did I do to you?" He asked mortified

" I let you have a girlfriend because of your status!" She screamed

" No. Actually u did this for your status! You didn't want to be with a guy people made fun of !!" He screamed in return

Christina was left wordless.

Did that mean it was true?
She never loved him?
Was she just with him because he was famous in school?

I was still lost in this new revelation
when brian said

" We r over!"

And took my hand and led me to the car!

He took me to his house.
I tried to calm him down. He was shaking uncontrollably!

I didn't want his mother to see his condition so we sat on his doorstep.

I laid his head on my lap.

He said

" Thanks for telling me"

" No thanks needed. I did what was wanted" I said

" I love you" He said taking ny hand while his head was still on my lap

" But you love christina" I said

" No I liked her. We never had that love " he said

" You are saying this because you just broke up with christina " I said, my heart beating fast

" We have different personalities. I had a crush on you before I started dating christina" he said

I was still shocked

" I love you for who you are , cheerful and caring"

That's when I knew that I loved him too.
All the feelings which were locked up inside me came flooding out..and I said

" I love you too "

" So this means that you are my real girlfriend now? " he said

" Yeah I guess " I said and laughed

I hadn't thought that I would come to love brian. BRIAN!
But now I was completely in love with him
I think that it's the little things that matter and lead to loving someone.

I was playing with his hair when christina came out of nowhere.

She started screaming non sense at us. She was in a very bad state.

She came at me to hit me. I never thought she could but brian came infront of me.

I was shocked.

Christina was always so composed. I have never seen her like that.

Her mom came then and dragged her away.

After that brian dropped me home.
I was thinking about christina the whole way.
She deserved this for doing this to brian!
Why was she so self centered?

I refused to think any further about her.

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