Chapter nine:

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While on our way to Christina's house, I said to brian

" Thanks for coping up with my family! "

" That was actually fun. I loved ur sisters. I always wanted siblings!" He replied

Brian was an only child and loved by his parents. But he was not spoiled.
I was still contemplating that he said he loved the twins. When he said

" So are you ok with this?" he asked

" Just doing it for Christina" I said

He looked hurt. So I immediately said

" I didn't mean it like that"

" Yeah its no small thing to be my girlfriend even a fake one" He said with a grin

I rolled my eyes
We both laughed

" I better not fall in love" I joked

" Yeah u better not" He said with a laugh but seriousness in his eyes

We reached Christina's house.
She kept us waiting for 20 mins!

Brian went and bought us both coffees from a nearby shop.

When I was about to pay him. He said
" Am I that cheap to let my girlfriend pay?"

" Come on, we are not in school yet" I said with a shrug

" Its for practice then" he said

Christina was really lucky to have a boyfriend like brian.

When Christina finally came and brian started driving after a kiss ofcourse, she said

" You didn't get me a coffee" she asked

" I forgot babe " said brian

Was she jealous? No definitely not. She asked me to do this after all.

She looked at me and said
" Thanks for doing this!"

I felt relieved. She couldn't be jealous and I said

" You owe me"

Later in school as me , Christina and brian walked down the hallway.
Nobody noticed anything.

That was because I was always with them as a third wheel before so brian took my hand and christina's too.

That's when everybody stared whispering

" It was time"

" They are both best friends!"

" I bet Christina's jealous!"

It felt strange to me to let a boy hold my hand. But I guess I had to get used to it!

I spotted amy. She gave me an encouraging smile!

In class I was passing notes between brian and Christina when I felt Brian's breath on my neck and he said with a whisper

" This one's for you"

I guess people will notice that only Christina and brian were passing notes. This has to be christina's idea obviously!

I opened it and it said

How are you coping? I hope dating me is not too much for you?
A wink smilie with it

I wrote

Yeah it's so boring that I am barely managing.
Then I added a wink

P.S I thought the note would be blank!

I passed it to him

And after a few mins I again received a note

It read

Are u kidding me? Boring? You disgrace me, young lady!

P.S I would never even give my fake girlfriend a blank note

We passed a few more notes when the bell rang.

Christina said to Brian

" Why didn't u give me notes? I was bored to death!"

Me and Brian looked at each other which said let's not get too carried away next time.

In the cafetaria, a girl stopped me and said

" Are you brian's second girlfriend?"

I looked at Brian adoringly and tried to look in love and said yes

Later me, Christina and brian sat at a table. Brian was sitting between me and christina.

Christina was teaching me how to act because I wasn't looking in love.

I was listening from one ear and getting it out of the other.
Brian was looking at me sympathetically .

After Christina's lecture was over, brian gave her a kiss on the cheek.

He was about to give me one too!
But I dodged out at the last minute!

Christina and brian looked around but no one saw that.

Christina kicked me under the table and said

" What did you do?!"

" No kisses , i thought it was obvious! " I said

" It will look weird if he kisses me and not you" she complained

" He can kiss you outside school all he wants" I said

" Oh come on! I am a great kisser!" Brian interjected

" Ok he will kiss you on the cheek only" said Christina

That was the most I was gonna get so I nodded.

Brian leaned in and kissed me on the cheek

I blushed.

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