Chapter eleven:

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The next day we are waiting for Christina outside her house and its snowing.

I couldn't stand to stay in the car anymore so I told brian that I am going outside.

I sit on a bench wondering how much more time till christina best friend is so annoying sometimes.

That's when a snowball hits me!
I look up and brian is grinning from ear to ear.
I too make a Snowball and hit him right on the face and run for my life!
He runs after me, I scream and fall. He falls over me and grabs me by the waist. His other hand is making a snowball.

Our bodies are touching. It feels like sparks.

That's when christina comes out. Brian seems to realise our position and gets up and says " We were passing the time by a snow ball fight" and hurls the snowball at Christina.
The snowball smacks her right in the face.
Me and brian are laughing but that's not the matter with Christina. She screams and run inside.

Later me and Brian are sitting in the car waiting for Christina to redo her makeup and come.

" Now we have to wait again because of you! What were you thinking when you threw it at her?" I asked

He shrugged and said
" I thought she would be cool with it like you"

I rolled my eyes and shivered. I hope I wouldn't get sick!

Brian took his jacket off and only when he placed it over my shoulders that I did realise what it was for.

I was about to object when Christina came. She eyed the jacket but didn't say anything.

She wasn't speaking with brian the whole way.

In school, Classes went by fast as all our exams were over and only one was left. We had sent our admission forms.

I hoped I would get into NYC or else I will be studying college in San Francisco too.

In the cafetaria, Brian looked worried. I asked him what's up and he told me that today was a pop quiz and he had remembered just now.
I told him not to worry and started to help him study. Christina just rolled her eyes at us and said " Nerds"

When me and brian had gone halfway through and brian's eyelids were going heavy.

" Pay attention! " I said to him

" Aye aye captain! Its just that I feel sleepy when studying" he said

A few moments later, his head was on my shoulder and he was asleep.
I wanted to wake him up but he looked so adorable sleeping like a child that I didn't had the heart to wake him up.

That's when Christina noticed us and jerked him awake.

Later after class, Brian told me that he will pass the test and we High fived!

He dropped me home and when I went in, iris and ivy came in and congratulated me!

" What happened?" I asked

They just shrugged

That's when mom and steven spoke at the same time!


I couldn't believe it! It was a dream come true.
I would get closer to dad.
I wished he could see me now.
How would he have reacted?

That night we had sushi in my favourite restaurant!

When I got to my bed that night I was so tired that I immediately fell asleep!

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