Chapter Fourteen:

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That night I lay in my bed thinking for a long time.

Was brian jealous?
Or was he really worried that someone will find out about our fake relationship?

No he couldn't be jealous. He loves Christina after all.

And why was I thinking about him!
Why can't I stop thinking about him?

But he's just like the boy I ever wanted.

He loved my sisters.
Respected my brother's protectiveness.
And was so adorable when jealous!

I said to myself!

He is your best friend's boyfriend!
It's just a few months by the way and I will be leaving San Francisco.

But that kiss!
I will be so embarrassed the next time I see him!
Thank god that it's saturday tomorrow, I won't have to face him.

I refused to think about Brian anymore. It felt like cheating on Christina and that was that!

I will spend tomorrow with my family. I had given them very little time due to all this drama!

My phone popped with a message

It was from christina and read

Tomorrow we both have to go to a party!
I want to go and you have to be there too! XX

Then another one

Come to my house. We will both get ready and brian will pick us up then!

Just what I feared!
I had to face him anyway so why not tomorrow?

The next day, I was at Christina's house..I was completely ready but christina was still applying blush.

I was wearing a cute black dress that christina had selected for me. I had curled ny hair and I have to admit that I looked cute

The bell rang and I had to go because christina was applying another layer of makeup.

I opened the door and he looked at me awed and said

" You look hot"

Then realising what he had said, cleared his throat.

I was blushing so I had to hide my face with my hair.

Christina came then and we went to the party!
The party was boring for me. I sat at the bar chatted with some school fellows. Christina was having fun with some girls I barely knew so I didn't go to her.

Brian was no where to be seen so I went in search for him

I was giving up when I found him lying on the floor totally drunk!

I heaved him up and supported him. I took him to a couch and laid him there and went to find christina so that we could take brian home.

I asked a few people about christina and one of them pointed to a room.

I opened it and saw christina with a boy I have never seen before.

She was cheating on brian!
How could she?!

She saw me and before she could say anything I was out of the room!

I supported brian and took him to to his car and searched his pockets for the keys that were thankfully there!

All the way , he said things like " love " then after a long pause " you ". He was thinking I was christina. He was confessing love to a girl who was cheating on him right now!

I dropped him home. His mom was really worried. She thanked me.

I then walked to my own home. All the time wondering about how could christina do this to brian?
She had said she loved brian!

Brian, her innocent boyfriend who loved her and hadn't suspected this!

My thoughts were killing me!

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