Chapter five :

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In the morning I got ready and went downstairs.

Mom is still sleeping . Her work shift doesn't start for two hours so I let her sleep. Iris and Ivy are still asleep. I tried to wake them up but they won't budge!
Finally I tickle them ( iris on the neck and ivy on the feet) and they wake up laughing!

When they are getting ready for school, I go downstairs to prepare their cereal because that's all what they can get from me.
As I step in the kitchen, steven is there making muffins
" Mom is sleeping. Let's not wake her up" he said

" Yeah that's what I thought" I replied

" I am making your favourite blueberry muffins" steven said with a smile

" Aw thanks! "

Sometimes I wonder that I have got the best brother in the world. Sweet, much?

" I hope the twins don't kill me for it!" Said steven grinning

As if on cue Iris and ivy came downstairs.

" U made Sophia's favourite?!"
Obejected Ivy eyeing the muffins

" Are we not ur sisters?" Said iris trying but failing to look sad

" Are we adopted?" Said Ivy

Me and steven just laughed. We knew them too well.

After we had our breakfast, Steven went to college and me and the twins headed to school.

I was already late when I arrived at school. Just when I was about to go to my class. I received a text from christina
It said:
Meet me in the girls locker room.

What could it be that she wanted me to skip class and was skipping hers too!
It surely would be important so I headed to the girls locker room.
Amy was already there with christina. Christina looked really tired and had dark circles. She rarely missed her beauty sleep.

" Thankgod! U came at last"
Said Christina

" She wouldn't tell me until u were here!" Complained Amy

" Ok ok what is it?" I asked Christina

"U guys know that brian loves me, right?" Said Christina

Me and amy both laughed

" Is that why u brought us here" I asked a bit angrier than I planned

" No ofcourse not!" Said Christina

" Then tell us what the matter is with you? " said amy

" Brian is now the only one on the team who hasn't got a second girl friend and the guys are giving him hell for it!" Christina burst out

" No way u can stand that!" I Said

" Yeah I know but I can't see him being humiliated like that so we have to do something about it!" Said Christina

" We'll try to think of something" said amy

What could be done so that brian won't need a second girl friend and not humiliated!

That's when mrs jones caught us and sent us to class.

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