Chapter ten:

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I breathed a sigh of relief when I came home that day.

It was quite at home because iris and ivy had gone with brian to get ice cream sundaes.

I had asked brian that he could say no but he had said that he wants to!

Iris and ivy were getting really attached to brian.
And brian was either really loving them or trying to make it up for me!
But the way he ruffled their hair, it was because he liked them.

I went to my bedroom for a quick nap before dinner.

When I came down for
dinner, the twins were back and were chattering non stop.

Brian did this and brian did that.
Mom and steven were both laughing

Iris turned to me and said

" If he weren't your boyfriend I would have taken him" said ivy
" No he would have chosen me!" Said iris
I just laughed at both of them.

We all ate our dinner. Steven asked me to post my admission form to NYU

I always wanted to study at NYU.
It was the college from where my dad studied.
He had alot of memories regarding it . He told me and steven alot about it. It was in New York. I would have to leave San Francisco but to me that was the only part of dad left for me and I was working hard to embrace it.

" I already did " I said to steven

He smiled

With that a huge weight was lifted of from my shoulders. Soon school would be over and with that this fake girlfriend act too.

After that, the twins again started telling stories about Brian.

Steven asked them " Who do u have more fun with, brian or me?"

They both screamed brian and ran away.

I looked at steven. He was laughing. I was glad he hadn't taken it badly. Brian had his charms after all.

I went to sleep and was chatting with Amy in bed.

She was telling me about the boy she has a crush on and I was encouraging her to ask him out because it's the end of school year and prom's coming too!

That's when I heard whispering coming from mom's room and went to check.

It was a voice I didn't recognise.
I slowly opened the door and it was john, our mom's colleague.

I was staring at them wide eyed. Mom said

" Don't tell steven "

She gestured for john to go away.

She then told me all about her and john. She loved him but hadn't told us as not to hurt us.

" I swear it's been only two months" she said

She started getting teary eyed.

I told her that I don't have a problem with her dating and she should tell steven but she said she needs time.

I then hugged her and said
" It will be okay"

Mom had her own life and she had the right to live!

I went to my room to sleep wondering what the next day will have in store for me.

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