Chapter 16

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Alice P.O.V

By lunch my petite legs were killing me and I was practically dragging myself to the canteen, I noticed how Max tried to avoid me through most of the morning and now i'm sick of it! This behaviour better not continue! I mean seriously he's literally the only thing protecting me from that psycho Tyler! Walking into the lunch room I glanced around nervously hoping Tyler would'nt see me and no one would point me out to him. People were always desperate to suck up to Tyler in this school and it sickened me the things they would do just for his stupid approval, for god sake its not like he's famous or royalty or something! The only person I would ever do anything he asks me to is Chris hemsworth because I love him, the yummy man that he is. Snapping out of my little perv fest I scanned the lunch room then very carefully crept in, keeping my head down the whole way so I could pass through unnoticed.

"Tyler there she is! Look there's Alice!" Someone shouted from a table next to me, I looked at the person and glowered in anger. They are so going on my to kill list.......if I had one.

"Alice!" Tyler yelled from his table waving his arms frantically. I turned and ran from the room.

"Alice what the hell?!" Tyler's voice rang out from behind me in annoyance, instead of looking back I kept up my fast pace and ran as far as my legs could take me. I got to the end of the hallway when someone grabbed my arm jerking me to an ungraceful stop. I looked back into the angry face of Tyler and gulped.

"What the hell are you doing? Why did you run from me? Do you know how humiliating it is having your girlfriend run from you in front of all your friends?" Tyler yelled furiously, this boy is out of his mind!

"Well do you know how annoying it is having a boy follow you around all day and tell everyone your going out!" I yelled back at him my anger rising.

"We are going out! You keep pretending that you don't like me but I know it's just because your afraid-"

"Afraid? Of what you? Most definitely Tyler! Cause your a psycho!" I was breathing heavy and glaring dangerously at the idiot Tyler. I looked up into his face and was terrified of the look he was giving me, it was pure rage over all of his features. He took a deep breath and breathed out slowly glaring at me the entire time, he tightened his grip on my arm and dragged me into a nearby vacant classroom. I was shaking in fear and hoping someone would walk in, but I knew that happening would be unlikely.

"Alice I understand your afraid of committing to me because your scared of falling in love! I know how you feel, when I first figured out my feelings for you I was terrified. But it's okay i'm here for you!" Tyler finished his little speech with a small smile while I stood staring in shock at what a complete idiot he was. I was no way in love with this boy. To me he meant nothing more then a creepy stalker. The end.

"!" I said through gritted teeth emphasising each word. I was becoming more and more frustrated with him and to be honest my patients was wearing thin.

"Alice listen-" I cut him off before he could finish.

"No you listen! I have had enough of this bullshit, your so deluded and stupid and it drives me insane that you think I would ever be interested in a brute like you! So please just leave me alone!" I yelled in a rage, I know I was harsh but i'm tired of bottling it up because of my fear of him.

"Fine." Tyler said emotionless, my head shot up from the ground and stared at him with my mouth gaping open.

"What?" I asked confused. Since when has he ever given up so easily?

"I understand when i'm not wanted Alice and you obviously don't want me." He said his face void of emotion entirely. In truth he was starting to frighten me.

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