Chapter 27

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(A/N) This will be the final chapter of this story. Thank you all so much for reading :)

It had been years since you had last seen Niall, his parents couldn't fund the exchange for another year, so you two just dated long distance.

You graduated, went to prom with friends, and got yourself ready for adulthood.

You had finally earned enough money to move to England with him. Your bags were packed, you had mentally prepared yourself. Everything was going to be great.

Your whole family was seeing you off at the airport. It made you think of that last day you saw Niall.

You couldn't wait to see him, embrace him and kiss him. You missed all of that so much.

Tears poured out of your mother's eyes.

"I'm gonna miss you so much (Y/N). I can't believe my little girl is already grown up."

You smiled at her, and she smiled back.

"I'll miss you mom." You spoke.

"I'll miss you too baby." She responded.

All passengers headed to England on the 11:00 flight, please report to gate B

The announcement rang out.

You grabbed your carry on bag and said your final goodbyes to your family.

You thought about the last time you video called Niall, how excited he was to finally see you in person again.

You entered the plane and found your seat, got comfortable, and waited for the plane to take off. Your journey to see him was just about to begin.

See you soon.

You texted him.

You shoved your phone back into your pocket as a little girl, no older than 8 sat down beside you.

She began to chat away about her cats, her favourite movies, random stuff that kids enjoy.

You just smiled and listened, it helped pass the time of the flight.

"Alyssa maybe you should leave that poor lady alone." A man you presumed was her father said to her.

"It's fine." You said, smiling at him.

The girl smiled up at you, and continued to chat away.

"I tried taking Mr Fluffy on a walk the other day, he just layed there and I had to drag him through the yard!" She exclaimed.

It was adorable.

Maybe one day you and Niall would have kids. A family.

The thought of that warmed your heart, you wanted nothing more than to be with him right now.

Hours and hours passed, you either slept or listened to the girl talk for the entire flight.

The thud of the landing gear hitting the runway startled you, you were finally there.

People began taking their carry on luggage out of the overhead compartments and began to file out of the plane.

Your legs felt weird, not moving for hours at a time made you so restless.

You booked it across the tarmac up to the terminal, the automatic doors opening before you.

You rushed to the baggage carousel, taking your (favourite colour) suitcase off and making going into the main airport.

And there you saw him, sitting right before you.

He was distracted, looking off at the passing people.

You just stood there, looking at his face, his chubby cheeks and tired eyes, the face you had fallen in love with.

You walked up behind the chair he was sitting in and tapped his shoulder.

"(Y/N)..? (Y/N)! It's really you!" He exclaimed, getting up and embracing you tightly.

You arms wrapped around him, you face was squished into his chest.

"I missed you so fucking much!" He shouted.

"I missed you too." You giggled.

You were smiling like an idiot, and so was he.

Still embracing you, he leaned down and kissed your forehead.

"Lets go home, I'm tired." You requested.

"Right! Home!" He said, finally letting you go.

He grabbed your suitcase for you and lead you to his car. You sat shotgun and sat down as he loaded your luggage into the back.

"I'm so excited to finally live with you." You said softly.

"Me too." He spoke.

The drive wasn't long, but you felt exhausted, you would kill to just be able to fall asleep in Niall's arms right now.

Once you arrived at his house, he helped you bring your stuff in. You immediately collapsed on the couch, him doing the same beside you.

"This feels so right, I'm glad I decided to come here." You said, breaking the silence.

"I'm glad you came too! I can show you all around, it'll be great." Niall responded.

You smiled at him, he smiled at you.

You came closer to him, and he held you.

He kissed your lips, something you had been longing for for years.

This felt right.

✓ exchange student | pyrocynical x readerWhere stories live. Discover now