Chapter 15

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After you made it back to the house you hopped off of Niall's back.

Your parents' cars were in the driveway, so they were most likely home and making dinner.

Niall opened and held the door for you.

He acted like he tipped an invisible fedora, "M'lady."

"Fuckin' niceguy." You said giggling.

You entered the house to take off your winter gear.

"I'm home!" You called to your parents.

"Welcome home (Y/N!)!" Your dad greeted.

Niall came in and removed his jacket.

"Niall! I'm very excited to see this concert of yours!" Your mom exclaimed

"It should be pretty good. We've been practicing for months." He responded.

"I'm sure it'll sound great." Your dad added.

"Now you two. Go put something nice on." Your mom ordered.

"Yes mom." You obeyed.

You walked to your room as Niall walked downstairs to his room.

You opened your closet and started to search through the many outfits you had hanging up.

"Dress or skirt.." you pondered.

You eventually pulled out a short black dress with a cute white belt that sat right above your waist.

You stripped down and then threw the dress on.

You sat down at your vanity and started to do some light makeup and fix up your hair.

You brushed through your (H/L) (H/C) hair.

After you made yourself look pretty you left your room.

Niall was sitting at the kitchen table, dressed in some nice black dress pants and a dress shirt tucked into them.

You sat across from him.

"You look pretty." He said quietly.

"You look very handsome." You said with a smile.

A hue of pink dusted across his cheeks.

"Thanks!" He said cheerfully.

Your mom placed bowls of macaroni and cheese in front of your and Niall, then she made her way down the hallway to give some to your sister.

You two ate the noodles quite fast.

After your whole family had finished their dinner you were all ready to head to the school.

You slipped on some black flats, and Niall borrowed a pair of your dad's nice dress shoes.

Everyone was dressed nicely. Even (S/N), who usually just dresses for comfort.

All five of you piled into your dad's car. Your dad driving, your mom shotgun and you three piled in the back.

You sat in between Niall and (S/N).

Your sister also played in a band. Just the 8th grade one. So you guys were also going to see her perform.

You guys arrived at the school and everyone filed out of the car.

"I have to go to the band room to get my stuff set up. I'll look for you guys in the crowd." Niall said, heading in the opposite direction of you guys.

"Me too!" (S/N) said, following Niall.

"Okay! See you later." You called.

You guys made your way to the room in your school with the stage.

You guys got front row seats too!

After about half an hour of sitting there waiting. (S/N)'s band came out to perform.

(S/N) played flute, so she was right in the front.

The band played 5 songs, they were very good for their age!

After their performance you guys waited for Niall's band.

Your sister walked off of the stage to come and sit in the audience with you guys.

"Great job!" You said, holding out a hand for her to high five.

She smacked your hand as hard as she could, making a loud SLAP sound.

The curtains then opened. Revealing Niall's tremendous band.

He was right in front of you. His guitar strap over his shoulders, ready to play.

He looked down at you and smiled his beautiful smile.

The band director walked out to introduce everything.

"Now! For out second band! Welcome, our 11th grade band!" He called.

He started to count them in.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 2, 3, 4." He whispered to them.

Then they started.

All you payed attention to was Niall and how wonderful his skills were.

He could really play that thing!

After they had played their 3 songs they walked off and you guys made your way to the foyer to meet Niall.

He walked down the corridor, as soon as he reached you he embraced you.

"You did great babe!" You exclaimed.

He just smiled and hugged you tighter.

"Babe?" Your father questioned.

"Oh yeah uh." You stuttered, covering your mouth.

Niall let go of you.

"Yeah uh, (Y/N) and I are uh... dating." Niall said nervously.

"Well Niall. You seem like a good match for (Y/N), so as long as you take good care of her, I'll allow it." Your dad said.

You breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Now come on lovebirds, we gotta go home." Your mother said, leading you guys out of the school to the car.

Niall smiled at you.

Life was good.

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