Chapter 13

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It had been weeks after you had started your YouTube channel, you had around 1,000 subscribers at this point.

You made a mix of content, gaming videos, vlogs, whatever you were in the mood for.

It was around December now, Winter break was coming up fast.

"So (Y/N), will you be coming to my winter band concert Wednesday evening?" Niall asked.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." You said, kissing him on the cheek.

"You're such a cutie." He said.

You smiled.

It was early morning and school was about to start.

"Come on, lets walk to school." You said as you put on a thick jacket over one of Niall's sweaters.

It was cold outside, snow covered every square inch of the ground.

You pulled on some black snow boots and headed out the door with Niall and (S/N).

The white snow crunches against your boots.

You and Niall held hands during the entire walk there.

Life had been nice, you and Niall hung out during lunch every day, you'd find eachother in the hallways whenever you could.

You always waited by his locker for him after school.

And Karlie hadn't even looked at you for a few whole weeks.

You still felt bad for Niall for having to sit with her in socials.

You guys arrived at the school, hand in hand.

"I'm gonna go to my locker." You said, kissing Niall on the cheek before walking off to your locker.

You smiled to yourself. Oh how you loved Niall.

You never thought that you two would ever fall for eachother. It would've just been you two living together, and probably not talking.

But things turned out for the better.

Niall was an amazing boy.

You made it to your locker and hung up your jacket on the singular hook.

You shoved your backpack in there and got out the things you needed for your art class.

You walked down past Niall's locker and saw,,,


She was standing there chatting up Niall.

You watched as she pulled herself against him and forcefully kissed his lips.

You sprinted over there and pushed her off of him.

"What the fuck!" You yelled at her.

"Jealous Y/N? I bet Niall likes ME better than you." Karlie said.

"Niall is my boyfriend you bitch!" You spat.

Tears welled up in her eyes.

"I thought you LOVED me Niall!" She said, turning off and walking away.

Niall turned to you, he still looked shocked.

"(Y/N), I-I'm sorry." He stuttered.

"Shh Niall, it's not your fault." You reassured. "I'm not mad at you at all. But I'm pissed at Karlie."

He breathed a sigh of relief. "I'm going to ask Mrs. Jones if I can switch seats in socials."

"And I'm going to see the principal after school about this." You said.

The bell rang for classes to start.

"We're late." Niall said.

"I know, Mr. Dean doesn't really care if you're late." You said as you wrapped your arms around him.

"I gotta go to my class though (Y/N)." Niall whined.

"Fine, I'll let you go on one condition." You said.

"And what is that condition?" Niall asked.

"You gotta film a video with me." You answered with a smile.

"I would do that any day." He said.

He kissed you on the forehead and you removed your arms from around him.

You two said your goodbyes and made your way down to your classes.

In art you sketched some drawings of Niall's channel mascot thingy.

You were gonna digitalize them in your computer science class for him.

After all of your classes had ended you decided to contact Niall to say you were going to the principal to deal with Karlie.

That woman needed to stay the heck away from Niall, and even other boys! Forcing herself on people just wasn't right.

You: Yo, Niall. I'm gonna see the principal. You and (S/N) can either walk home together or you guys can wait for me. Your choice.

Niall: (S/N) can just walk home by herself. I'll wait for you.

You: Okay. I think she can handle walking home alone.

Niall: I'll let her know. Cya l8r babe! <3

You grabbed your stuff out of your locker and made your way down to the principal's office.

You knocked on her door.

"Yes? Come in." She said.

Your principal, Mrs. Wilson was a very approachable and friendly woman. You always felt like you could come to her with your problems.

You walked in to the small office.

"Hello, (Y/N), take a seat!" She said with a warm smile. "What's up?"

You sat down in the chair across from her.

"I feel like this is kinda a serious issue I should tell you about." You said.

"Oh, what is it then?" She asked.

"You know Karlie? The one in my grade." You asked.

"Yup. I do." She responded.

"She kinda, kissed my boyfriend without his consent." You said. "I don't really want that to happen to him again or to anyone else."

"Thank you for bringing this to my attention (Y/N). I'll talk to her tomorrow." She assured. "You really are a kindhearted girl, bringing this up and everything. Good on ya."

You gave her a smile. "I have to get going now!" You said as you got up from the chair.

"Have a nice day (Y/N)!" Mrs. Wilson said.

"You too!" You called back to her.

You walked out of the office and into the foyer of the school.

Niall was seated at one of the tables in the foyer. He was staring off out into the rain outside the window.

You tapped on his shoulder and he flinched. "Oh hi (Y/N)!"

"You ready to go?" You asked.

Niall nodded and took your hand.

You two made your way back home, hand in hand.

(A/N): lol if u were wondering I just make up the names for the teachers just outta my head.

I'm really tired now. Have a good day.

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