Chapter 10

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Your walk home was quite awkward after that. Thoughts kept rushing through your head. Niall had kissed you, did that mean he liked you? Did you like him? EMOTIONS ARE HARD!

You two were completely silent.

"(Y/N)," Niall said, breaking the silence.

"Yeah?" You responded.

"I'm sorry, I probably made stuff really awkward between us now." He said.

"No, Niall it's fine. We won't be awkward with eachother." You assured.

"You sure?" He said.

"I'm sure." You said. "But Niall, can I ask. Do you have a crush on me? Is that why you kissed me."

"Oh jeez, this is gonna make stuff even more awkward, but since it's already quite awkward, then I'll just flat out say it. Yes, yes I do." He said with a sigh.

"Well Niall, you're in luck. Cause I like you too." You said.

"Really?" He asked, surprised.

"Yeah. I 10/10 like you, not lying." You said.

"I can't believe this, you actually like me!" He exclaimed.

Honestly you did like Niall, you thought he was funny, and cute, and kindhearted.

"Well then, (Y/N). Will you have the honour of being my girlfriend?" Niall asked.

"Yes!" You exclaimed.

You two stopped in the middle of the sidewalk. You looked up at Niall.

He leaned down and kissed you.

"I like you lots Niall." You said.

"I like you lots too (Y/N)." Niall whispered.

"Now lets go home you dork." You said.

You grabbed his hand and you two continued to walk down the street home.

Niall's P.O.V.

I couldn't believe that (Y/N) liked me back!

I now had the most wonderful girl ever as my girlfriend! It was amazing!

I was the happiest man on the whole planet.

Her hands were small, they felt nice and soft in mine.

(Y/N) was the greatest thing that had ever happened to me.

✓ exchange student | pyrocynical x readerWhere stories live. Discover now