Chapter 7

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You guys arrived home. Immediately you sat yourself down at the dining room table and pulled out your schedule.

"Niall, what classes ya got boy!" You yelled to him.

"Settle down (Y/N), I'm coming." He said.

"Sorry, I'm just excited." You said quieter.

He sat down across from you and uncrumpled his schedule.

"I've got Math with Mr. Carlson, Socials with Mrs. Jones, Band with Mr. Fisher and Woodwork with Mr. Lalonde." Niall said.

"We have the same academics!" You exclaimed.

"Woah! That's pretty cool." He said.

"One sec, lemme text Calvin and see what classes he's got." You said pulling out your phone to text Calvin.

You: Hey reptile man, what classes you got?

Calvin: Math, Socials, Cafeteria and Metalwork lol.

You: what blocks you got Math and Socials?

Calvin: B n' C

You: we got the same classes boi

Calvin: eyy rad, I g2g

You: cya l8r sk8r

"Calvin had the same classes as us!" You exclaimed.

"Oh, cool." Niall said.

You got up from the table and made your way downstairs. "Wanna watch cartoons?" You asked.

"Eh, sure!" Niall said.

He followed you downstairs and sat beside you on the couch.

You pulled up an episode of South Park and began to watch it with Niall.

You guys seemed to have simelar senses of humour as you found yourselves laughing at the same jokes.

You guys binge watched a couple seasons of South Park until it was time for dinner and eventually time for bed.

Tomorrow was your first official day of classes for grade 11.

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