Chapter 3

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You and Niall sat in the back and chatted while you drove to the local mall.

You guys were just going to a small restaurant, you had been there a few times and they had pretty good food.

"So I've got this friend Calvin that you HAVE to meet." You told him. "He's super funny and cool."

"I'm looking forward to it." Niall said.

He smiled every time he looked at you. It was cute.

He was probably just being friendly.

Your family pulled up to the restaurant and got out.

You guys went into the restaurant. Sat down and got ready for lunch.


"Would you two just like to go explore the mall and get to know eachother better?" Your mom asked.

"Uh, sure!" You said. "But I don't have any money."

"Take my credit card. Just be responsible okay?" Your mom said.

"I will." You assured.

You and Niall got up, you grabbed his hand and pulled him into the mall.

"Come on Niall!" You said skipping away with him.

"She's already taken a liking to that boy eh?" Your dad said.

"It's cute, really." Your mom said.

Niall's P.O.V

(Y/N)'s smile was cute. How she pulled me along through the mall was cute. Everything about her was cute.

But I wasn't gonna say anything about it. I was only staying at her house, she had other friends at school and she would probably have no time for me. Might as well forget it.

Your P.O.V

You dashed through the mall. Looking at stores, getting new outfits, finding out what kind of dorky stuff Niall liked.

He really was a dork. Into video games of all sorts.

You two were in a Spencer's Gifts. Looking at dorky attire.

Niall was looking over at Overwatch tshirts, and you were more looking at the Band shirts.

You walked over to Niall to see what he had in his hands.

"Whatcha got?" You asked.

The TShirt said OVERWATCH and had the game's logo on it.

"It's pretty cool, but like, I don't have any money." He said.

"Come on dude. I'll buy it for you. It's only a 10$ tshirt." You said.

"No dude. You guys already treated me to lunch. You don't need to do any more for me."  He said.

You grabbed the tshirt out of his hands and brought it to the till. You handed him the bag of dorky stuff and you two left the store.

"You didn't have to do that you know." He said.

"It's fine dude." You reassured while smiling.

You two joined your parents at the front door of the mall so you could go home and get Niall settled.

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