Chapter 11

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As you guys got into the house, you let go of Niall's hand.

"I've got an art project I gotta do, so I'll be here at the table working on it if you need me." You said.

"Okay!" Niall said enthusiastically.

He walked down the stairs to his bedroom.

You were sketching a landscape to watercolour tomorrow in art.

After about an hour you got bored and decided to bug Niall.

You walked down the stairs and opened the door to his room.

At the extra desk, he had a laptop set up with a microphone and a camera. Some lighting shittily propped up behind the computer.

He was just turning off the camera and shuffling his notes as you came in.

"Whatcha up to Niall?" You asked.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you! I do YouTube!" He exclaimed.

"Dude, that's super cool!" You said. "What's your channel?"

"I call it Pyrocynical." He said.

"Oooh, cool. I'll check it out some day." You said.

"Dude! You should start doing YouTube too!" He suggested.

"I don't think I'd be very good at it.." You said looking down at your feet.

"You'd be perfect at it! You're funny, good conversation, you're very pretty. You could run a pretty good channel. Even if it was just videos of you playing video games, you've got skill at that." He said

"Awwh Niall. Thanks, I just, I don't know. I'd have to ask my parents first." You said.

"I'm not forcing you, it was just a suggestion." He said shrugging.

"I'll leave you to your video." You said with a smile as you shut the door to his room.

(A/N): sorry that this chapter was short and boring, it's late and I'm tired and I just wanted to get something out.

Will (Y/N) start her own YouTube channel? Who knows. Find out on the next episode of Pyrocynical x reader.

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