Chapter 12

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Starting my own YouTube channel, eh?

Sounded interesting.

As soon as you mom came through the door you rushed up to her.

"Mom! Can I start my own YouTube channel?" You asked.

"I don't see why not. Just don't give out too much personal information and I'm fine with it." She said.

"Yesss! Let me tell Niall." You said, rushing downstairs.

You came up to his door and pushed it open, he was laying on his bed working on his laptop.

"My mom said I can start a YouTube channel." You said, smiling.

"I'll help you set it up!" He said enthusiastically.

He quickly sat up.

"Let me go grab my laptop!" You said, running up to your room to grab your laptop.

You rushed back down and sat right up next to him on the bed.

You set up your laptop and booted up google chrome.

"Okay, how do I do this." You asked.

"First, give me a channel name." He said.

"Hmm, how about. (Channel Name)." You said.

"Ooh, good choice." He said.

You and Niall spent a few hours setting up social medias for your channel, the channel itself. Until you were ready to upload your first video.

Niall sat off on the side while you introduced yourself to the camera and told the internet about yourself.

You decided to upload, and bam. There, your first video. Up on the internet.

You brought out your phone and downloaded twitter onto it.

You logged in and immediately it a notification.

Pyrocynical followed you

You looked up at him and smiled.

He smiled back.

His smile was so adorable.

"You're so cute." You said.

"You're cuter." He said back.

You shut your laptop and put it down onto the floor.

Niall moved his onto his desk.

You two layed down in the bed.

You wrapped your arms around him and layed your head on his chest. Listening to his heartbeat.

"I love you Niall." You said.

"I love you too (Y/N)." He responded.

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