1.3 Nice To Meet You All

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Nice to meet you

Although I wish it never happened

But I kind of need points so,

I will compromise

Author-sama here! I have come to give you another dose of love, my lovelies. Thank you for every vote, comment and also for adding me to your reading list. Continue trying to reveal this mystery.




They all went their own ways after having dinner; Mister Feng with a murderous face, Madam Feng with a sympathetic face, Shi He with a raging heart and plans for future revenge and Yi Chen talking to baobao.

The next morning came with Yi Chen whining to baobao about not wanting to go to high school because she already completed hers in her world and does not need to return to that hell hole. With all the grumbling, mumbling, and threatening baobao she makes it to school with the help of her chauffeur and her seatmate, Shi He. Once they arrive everyone stills as if time has stopped for them. Yi Chen and Shi He makes their way out of the limousine with help of their chauffeur and walk to their class. As they walk the students part way like they were Moses and the students were the Red Sea. By some chance - fate, the Angel of Destruction both of them have the same classes.

They take a seat as their homeroom teacher walks through the front gates of the class in a formal wear but with panda eyes and an expression that says "Mess with me and you will die". By the position of the whiteboard, Shi He is sitting in the second row and the third column, right at the centre of the class, while Yi Chen is sitting at the fourth row and the second column. One look at the teacher whose name is Ymir, everyone grabs a seat and stops their socialization giving him their full attention. 'Dam*! Did I just accidentally come into a military camp instead of a school?! Baobao answer me!

Baobao: [System is currently updating. Cannot answer host, ask later when available] Baobao signs as he slyly logs off thanking his lucky stars that he is still alive. He Systembooks his fellow systems "Host is out for me #someonehelpme"

'Ohh... I see...' "Everyone I am glad to have your attention, we will be having a new student in this class."Mr Ymir says while mumbling "Another pain in the a**" Right at that time a Greek god walks in the class. 'Baobao, I think I'm in love, no wait I hate all men on earth. Ah... right he is not here now'. The Greek god introduces himself as Bai He Jiang. 'Bai He Jiang, Bai He Jiang,... Why don't I recall a Bai He Jiang from the plot? Whatever I will just ask baobao when he comes back'. Yi Chen just looks at him and put my head on the desk to continue sleeping. "He Jiang why don't have a seat next to... umm let's see..."

Immediately he says that every girl is batting their eyes and acting coy with the exception of Shi He who wants to play hard to get with this new character. "Why don't you sit next to Feng Yi Chen" at the mention of my name Yi Chen lift up my head to see every girl looking at me like I just destroyed their favourite purse. Yi Chen quirks an eyebrow to ask why every girl including miss "holier-than-thou" female lead is looking at her.

He Jiang just makes his way over to a desk next to Yi Chen and gives her a polite smile that can make any girl turn to goo. Yi Chen just shrugs and returns the smile. Immediately Mr Ymir leaves mumblings begin to raise as girls throw contemptuous gazes at Yi Chen who looks like she doesn't give a penny to what they are talking about. Shi He adds fire to the whole situation by trying to protect her elder sister as the other girls talk about her.

Yi Chen who has finally had enough of this whole drama walks in front of the class as everyone's angry gaze follow her. Her classmates hate her because with the help of Shi He everyone thinks she is a snob and an arrogant person who only cares about herself so Yi Chen was looking for an opportunity to change their mindset when Shi He presented a situation for her. (Author-sama: What can I say the female lead is just digging her own grave😉😏). It is just that the real Feng Yi Chen was an introvert who loved her space and rarely showed her emotion, that is how the female lead stole the male lead. Let's just say that the current Feng Yi Chen is not the same hence in a case where the former Yi Chen would not mind, this Yi Chen will definitely mind.

Yi Chen looks at everyone from her position as they returned her stare. 'Baobao...*no response' Looks like I will be doing this my way'. "Everyone" Yi Chen begins saying, "I know you all think I am an arrogant person and you want nothing to do to me but you have it all wrong... I have a hard time expressing myself and more so showing my emotions. Whether I am happy, sad, agitated, or lonely. I spent most of my time in a secret therapy trying to get a way to crack this mask because it hurts all the time showing a straight plain face without any change. I just recently got all my emotions though it is unstable."

As she pauses to catch her breath a lone tear makes a way down her face. This shocks everyone because this is the most emotion she has shown throughout their two years of knowing her. "I know that I didn't show most of you the appropriate behaviour when we first met because I was jealous that everyone else could show soo many emotions may it be positive or negative, and I hated it. I hated that I was stuck with one expression so I just took my anger from years of feeling singled out on you. For that and all the things that I subconsciously did to hurt you, I AM SORRY, I am sorry, very very sorry for everything."

Yi Chen makes her way to desk with watery eyes with a promise of a waterfall. Everyone one now looks at her with sympathetic and understanding gazes. Some crying with her, while some are exclaiming how sorry the also are for not understanding her. Shi He looks at Yi Cheng with a dark gaze promising revenge.

Baobao: [Chen'er be careful female lead's blacking is at 30%]

'So you finally decided to show your sorry face, not that I can see you. So what is with this Bai He Jiang character? Is he a threat?]

Baobao: [Host there was really a virus and there is currently no information on him]

'Could he be another transmigrator like me'

Baobao: [No, Chen'er the administrators make sure something like that does not occur. Chen'er you have some amazing acting skills, you managed to make people cry without my help.]

'Duh! I didn't take acting classes to see some annoying professor to ruin my mornings for nothing'

Somewhere else...

???: Find any information you can on Miss Feng Yi Chen and give it to me.




Who is this mysterious person? Holler me your ideas! I typed in this long chapter because I may or may not write a chapter tomorrow because of personal reasons. So enjoy this chapter as much as you likeand don't forget to vote and comment.

Transmigration: Cannon Fodder Can Surpass Female LeadHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin