3.0: Lost Connection

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This is Channel 5 bringing you the 6 o'clock news. The actress, Dahlia Violet, was found unconscious in her bathtub by her manager, Julia Roberts earlier this morning. Sources say she was clothed in the evening gown she wore to receive her award for best new actress in her bloodied bathtub. There was a note, hand written by Miss Dahlia it seems, and it relays the following message "I have fought my way to the top and now that there is no one to fight me, the bottom feeders are forming a coup to pull me down. It's sad to see and even sadder to say, but it worked. The "great" and "invisible" me has fallen. Now don't clap for yourselves yet, see I was tired of it all. You all. So I ended it. I am sorry Juju, I know you wanted to keep pushing and fighting to prove these scandals were false. And you had evidence. But I am tired. How long am I going to convince these "fans of mine" and the world that I am not vicious. I am tired Juju and I know you are too. I left you everything. Take a break or a hike. Spend time with Calla, ma petite diablo, show her the world. Have fun because you deserve it. Look at me rambling off at my final moments. I just have one last thing to say to my haters; keeping hating, waste your time on me. Sayonara bitches." Our staff have not had the chance to interview Mrs. Roberts or any of Miss Dahlia's attending physicians to inquire about her health. As the best celebrity news reporting channel, we will try our best to give her fans and fellow colleagues future updates. 

This is Metron bringing you news that other stations have not yet seen. A colleague of our was able to take a video of Mrs. Roberts, the A star actress Dahlia Violet's manager, raging about Miss Dahlia's predicament. Let's watch; "I lost her because of you all and your ability to twist words and videos! I hope you all die a painful death! I hope you lose your families right in front of your eyes like I just did! And you! You motherfucker! You call yourself her fan! Isn't a fan supposed to support their idol unconditionally until all facts are laid bare! I HAD EVIDENCE! FUCKING EVIDENCE! That it was all a matter of perspective of the camera! You better pray she survives because if she doesn't I am coming for you all, yes the media, the fans, Ivy FUCKING Sage. I don't make threats MOTHERFUCKER, I make promises and I have never broken any." Speculations have been made about how Miss Ivy will reply to this threat.

"Hello Lia. Are you going to wake up any time soon. It's been 2 months now. You know you still owe an apology right. How was I supposed to live if you choose to die that way... just spending your money traveling the world? sightseeing and shit? Can't you fight death and wake the fuck up already. Damn you sure are taking your time... laying here taking a beauty sleep and looking like Aurora and shit. I thought you said you hate the story of sleeping beauty? Then what the fuck are you waiting for Damian Brown to swing by and kiss you? Don't because that jerk went ahead and dated Olivia White. So hurry up and wake up nappeun yeoja"

"Y-y-you know-ahem ahem- that w-would all sound convincing if you weren't bawling and looking like a snotty nosed brat Juju"

"Oh my go- doctor! doctor!"

"W-we have a r-remote you k-know"


"A g-girl's gotta l-listen at some p-point. I will just r-re-"

"You are not supposed to move until a doctor comes in here"

"T-then at least give me water... I feel l-like a desert up in m-my ahem throat"

"Here you go nappeun yeoja. Drink as much you want just stay alive okay"

"Hey don't say that like I am about to die. Girl we are not in Titanic"

"Too bad you don't to say that when you are looking wretched and shit. Look at you! Looking like the spit out version of Elmo"

"Ahh, you know Elmo be looking fine"

"Hahaha shut up. Finally a doctor! Stop looking at her like an alien and check on her! She just woke up. Why are you standing doing nothing like you are Anna at the ending scene of Frozen I! Got to it fugly looking son of a b-

"Juju! H-he is just s-shocked"

"Well he can check up on you and be shocked at the same time. What he is not going to do is stand there and do nothing."

"For now everything is healthy and functional. We will have to run a few diagnostic to make sure that nothing went wrong while you were in a vegetative state. You might have to take go to physical therapy depending on how bad your muscles atrophied duri-"

"Atrophied as in..."

"Muscle death, due to Miss Dahlia not using her muscles in a vegetative state."

"Okay... so why we just looking at each other like... can you start the tests now D.O.C.T.O.R."

"Yes, yes absolutely. I will have Nurse Monique and Yvonne come and prep you for those tests. My name is William Silver. I am your attending physician. See you soon."

"Okay, okay Will.I.AM can you leave now"

"Oh yes, most definitely"


"Chill Juju"

"Oh no young lady, you don't get to say a single word. Unless, you're explaining what drove you to commit such a crazy act. Neo michyeoss-eoyo! What if you died?"

"Then I am dead"

"Don't get smart with me now. When all of this is over, we are having a talk. I am going to eat, shower, and see Calla while Anna there figures out if you are good to go. See you later"

"Say hello to Calla and Augustin for me"


'Baobao, this better be a joke'

Baobao: [I am sorry Chen'er, it's not. This is a world about the media and all the joys it brings]

'Oh fuck me' 




Hello my lovelies are hope you had a restful week because I didn't. Who knew transition week is brutal! *raises hands* I have done it twice but this year is just special. All this suckers making me lose my mind. Anywho, enjoy the chapter it was heavily influenced by Ashnikko, I don't even know who she is. Youtube was like we have seen that you are antsy so here you go. And it just fit this chapter. 


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