Chapter 21

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Ren wasn't in school for the next two days but he came after the weekends and the girls crowded around him asking him if he was okay. Ren laughed and told them that he was away for two days because he was wasn't well and they all cooed him like a baby and told him that if he had given them a call, they would've made me soup to make him all better! Ew! Could it get any less cringe?

Minho was standing by me and he put his hand on my shoulder. I looked up at him.

"Don't think about that jerk too much,look at him trying to get attention!" He spoke but not out of hatred I could tell.

"Are you worried about him?" I asked.

"No! It's just that he's got shot but he's treating it like ....... he was sick or something? Do you think he's in a gang?" Minho asked.

"No, I don't think so". I replied as Jimin came up and sulked.

"What's with your beautiful smile? Did you lose it? Jimin, why are you sad?" I asked sarcastically.

"I'm alone now! I've rejected almost every guy in school and the guy I wanted never even looked at me! Also, Key's got a date!" Jimin said opening her locker and taking out her notes.

"Key? Who?" I asked.

"Irene!" Jimin replied.

"But wasn't Irene and Taemin". I stopped mid sentence because a Jimin told me that Irene was just showing Taemin a dance and nothing else so I didn't have to jealous of her.

"Jealous, me? When are you going to stop assuming that me and Taemin aren't anything more than friends!" I almost yelled.

"Okay okay! If you don't want us to know then don't show it!" Jimin smiled, at least she was cheerful again!

"So, you guys gain happiness from my discomfort?" I asked sarcastically.

"If your uncomfortable then just tell Taemin that you like him, I'm sure he feels the same way!" Minho said agreeing with Jimin.

"Uhh! You guys are impossible!" I raised my hands in the air.

Jimin and Minho began to laugh.

"What? Why are you laughing?" I asked surprised.

"I just realize how cute you look when your annoyed!" Minho complimented.

I turned red and looked away as Jimin's smile faded and she asked me about Ren.

"He was just.... sick! He's okay now? Why are you asking me?" I whispered to her.

"You don't know about the rumor that there is something between you and Ren?" She asked.
I shook my head in surprise.

Me and Ren, how could the world do such a thing? We don't even know each other that well? Why would something go on between us? This was worse than the whole Taemin issue.

"Don't worry, I know it's just a rumor and I'm pretty sure, every crazy Ren fan  girl knows too!" Jimin assured me and then left.

"Who's the guy she wants to take her to the dance?" Minho asked.

"Beats me! She wouldn't tell me!" I replied pulling out my books.

"Is it Ren?" Minho asked biting his lip.

"Could be!" I shrugged my shoulders.

Jeez! If she wanted the guy to ask her, she could've done it first!

I looked at Ren and found him talking to a girl in a blue outfit. I didn't know who she was but she was beautiful.

He really seemed to be concentrating on her words and I had never seen her before. Minho was in the bathroom do I walked up to them. I stood a few meters away from Ren.

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