Chapter 14

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The next day was brighter than the previous  and something about waking up on a bright day right before weekends is special.

Being a martial arts student for a long period, the bright sun and hot afternoons are a good and pure way into practice and the atmosphere contributes a lot to what you're doing at that moment. I always loved it when the light shined through the martial arts school windows and made us all full of energy and refreshed.

I went to school. We no longer bothered to take the bus since we had a car. Maybe I was going to be popular but I swore never to lose who I was. Taemin had been good to me and he was good to everyone and that's the reason he got to pitch in his idea to Irene.

I didn't run into Ren which was a bit weird because I felt that he would make my life as miserable as he wanted.

I smiled at Minho as I felt that life would be better since Ren wasn't present but some girls came to me and made sure that I was responsible for Ren's disappearance.

"Where are you keeping him, you witch?" They called.

"Wow? What do you mean by witch, have you seen me cast a spell on anyone?" I asked backed against the wall.

"Well... no, but we know you have him!"a girl with red hair demanded, she seemed to the leader of the lot.

"I've no idea where he is, why do you think I would kidnap him, what can I get from him?" I asked raising my hands.

"Why don't you girls ask Ren himself, maybe he got so tired of you always flocking around him that he moved away!" Onew chuckled coming to my rescue.

"What? Moved away! No, not our Ren, we must punish the person who made him run away, Ren would have wanted this!" The red haired girl replied. She was really pretty with really good skin. My skin with its small bumps was no match for her flawless face.

They all crowded around me but Onew stood in front of me just in time

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They all crowded around me but Onew stood in front of me just in time.

"Leave her alone, she had nothing to do with this! You should be ashamed of yourselves, blaming an innocent girl just because you can't blame yourselves, in my eyes that makes you a coward". He said.

I was astonished at his words, how did he come up with that. But I guess I was aware of hearing such advice and words from Onew.

"You're right! We are to to blame, even is Ren has left. It is not because of this girl because Ren is no coward, let us hope that he is just sick and we'll come to get rid of you, watch your back honey, we're not done!" She spoke and departed.

"Well...." I started but Onew held my arm.

"You were so cool!" I exclaimed.

"We promise to keep you safe and I'm determined to keep it!" He replied.

Walking to class, I passed the boys locker room and I heard groans coming from it. I knew not to go in there as it would've sweaty but all the boys were in class still who was there?

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