Chapter 13

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Why is life so hard? Why do I have to go to the dance and what can be worse than showing up to an event planned by Irene. She's really pretty and sorta cool but she doesn't like me.

She wouldn't go as far as Ren might to kill me but still, learning dance from Taemin wouldn't be advisable even though he is graceful.

"I heard about the school dance". Taemin told me as we approached the car.

"Cool!" I remarked sarcastically. Yeah! How did he know? Probably Irene. She takes his dance class. She told him all about it.

"We should go!" Taemin added.

"I don't really go to these school dances, they're boring!" I commented not looking at Taemin.

"Really because the Principal told me to make sure that you show up!" Minho exclaimed.

What was he doing here and why was he in the car? Oh right! It was their car. Onew was there too.

I pouted and sat in the back seat with Taemin.
"If it's dance that you're struggling with, I can help." Taemin tried to sound cheerful.

"I don't want to go!" I exclaimed.

"You have to, you promised, I'll buy you a formal dress!" Minho suggested.

"That's not how it works. Irene decides a theme and every theme is different so people have to dress up according to the themes. It's not as easy as getting a dress and going". I replied.
Everyone was looking at me.

"Jimin told me all this!" I added quickly.

"The theme is "Night at the Masquerade"  it seems really cool." Taemin said.

"That's even worse than "Happily Ever After". That was last years theme". I spoke.

"We did suggest the theme to be "The Nutcracker" or "Garden Delights" but I don't know if the school knows ballet?" Taemin said.

"Decide? Are you on the planning committee?" I asked looking at him.

"No, Irene was talking about them and she wanted my opinion. I pretty much like "The Nutcracker" tale, but then everyone girl might dress like "The Sugar Plum Princess", and that would be awkward and I think the nutcracker dress code is hard to move in!" Taemin explained.

"The "Sugar Plum Princess?" Thats in the Barbie version". I said.

"Have you watched the Barbie version?" I asked almost in giggles.

"Well, no I heard about it but I didn't watch because I'm a man!" Taemin replied nervously.

"Yeah you did!" I said laughing.

"It's not funny besides it's not that I like Barbie, it's just she has some good lessons, also that movie teaching not to give up especially on  dancing!" He replied.

I sighed, Taemin had learned valuable life lessons.

"Are you certain, you don't want to go, I don't want to force you and you promised the principal....." Minho began.

"I know, and I never ever break a promise so I'll  have to go, even if I hate it!" I replied laying my head back.

"I need some material for my mask, I think I need to make my own and so should you, we can do it together!" Taemin replied cheerfully.

"I'll buy one, you can make yours!" I replied and laid my head back.


At home I took out a mask and placed it in front of me.

"What's that?" Minho asked giving me a heart attack.

"Never heard of knocking?" I asked trying to slow down my breathing.

"Is that the mask you're going to wear?"

"No, it's my Mothers for when she first met Father, except it wasn't at a high school dance and she knew that they were meant to be, it seems so childish to think that from a single dance."

"I think it's possible, there is love at first sight!" Minho suggested.

"You're right! Like you and Jimin?" I giggled.

"What? Jimin!? Who's she? I don't like Jimin!" Minho stuttered.

"Minho, you can tell me, I see the way you look at her, how she strikes you speechless, besides she's my best friend and I can help you talk to her, maybe ask her to the dan....."

"Don't you think you should be telling me what your doing with that mask?" He asked.

"Are you......This is my mother's mask. I like Taemin's idea of creating a mask myself and I think I'll take inspiration from my Mothers old mask!" I said looking at it.

"I'll leave you to it, just remember dinners in fifteen minutes! I'm glad you're  thinking this dance thing over." He said as he left.

Dinner was vegetable pasta and it was delicious. After dinner the guys went to thier guest rooms and I went to my bed room. I often wondered what they did.

"What do I do about Ren, he'll kill me!" I said to myself as I soaked in my bathtub.

Maybe school was going to be harder than last year, but last year, I wasn't bullied, not by Ren at least!

But you never know, maybe I can take care of myself. I hope Ren gets punished for this act.

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