These Next hours maybe even minutes are Critical.........

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2 am In the morning
Tray's POV
I finished my conversation with the officer I started getting ready.
Tray: Airi we gotta go. Get ready I'll explain in the car.
When we got in the car I sped off. I don't know how fast I was going but I wasn't about to sit around and let me cousin wait in the hospital. I told Airi everything I knew when we got in the car.
At the hospital
Airi's POV
Tray and I parked the car and ran into the waiting room. In the waiting room was Gilly's mom and his stepdad. They looked scared.
Gilly's mom: they haven't given us an update since we've been here.
Tray gave Gilly's mom the biggest hug ever. We set next to them. After another 30 minutes the doctor arrived.
Doctor: Family of Christopher Gilly Let's go talk over here In this private room.
We walked over to the room the doctor walked in after us and closed the door.
Doctor: Christopher has internal bleeding. The first surgery was successful to decrease the swelling of the brain. We need to go back in but he's to unstable. He's in a coma. These next hours are critical. You guys can go see him.
Gilly's mom: I know this is confidential information but what about the other driver?
Doctor: he was really intoxicated. Before he got to the hospital they resuscitated him twice. He's still in critical condition. What about this I'll keep you updated about what I hear.
We knodded are heads in agreement and he took us to see Chris.
We all walked into the room.
Tray's POV
Seeing my cousin like this really hurt all these tubes connected to him. I didn't even know if I would ever get to see him again.
Tray: you guys mine if I get some alone time with him
Gilly's mom: Yea sure we'll give you sometime.
Airi gave me a hug and kissed me on the lips.
Airi: I'll be outside if you need me
The room was quiet except for the noise coming from all the equipment keeping him alive.
Tray: Hey cuz we'll get through this. It's just another bump in the road. We are all rooting for you to wake up. The gang is sending all prayers to you. Nique and King are coming down in a couple days to see you. Wake up buddy you got so much to look forward to. A father, son, uncle, best friend, and a great cousin. I love you so much cuz. I wish I could stay by your side forever, but you have people that wanna see you. I'll come and visit tomorrow. I walked out the room. Airi grabbed my
Airi: I think it's time we give them sometime alone. You ready to go home.
Tray: Yea let's go

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