Arrival To The World

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1 week later
September 4
King's POV
I was laying down in bed when i felt Nique start to tap me.
Nique: Bae bae baby my water broke
I jumped up I grabbed my car keys and I quickly took her to the car. We wanted the baby to be born in Baton Rouge so we had came here a week in advance. The gang was back home but we were going to keep them ups agreed.
We arrived at the hospital at 5 in the morning. I called her parents and I texted in the group chat. My phone started blowing up. The process felt long but soon enough I was going to be welcoming my son Kaiser into world.

The next day
Nique's POV
My parents and king parents had arrived the doctor had came in around 12 and told me that I was 7 centimeters dilated. But finally around 3 I was ten centimeters.
The nurses gathered around me and prepped me for birth.
King stood by my side and grabbed my hand.
Doctor: alright Nique one big push.
Kings pov
Nique squeezed my hand and push she repeated this four more timed before they placed him on her chest. He started crying. I didn't know how to respond I was so excited when they moved the baby to be cleaned I gave Nique the biggest hug ever.
Kaiser Johnson was here
Down below is an actual picture of him

Authors note: alright y'all so I didn't post because I really wanted baby Kaiser and his birth to be apart of the story more coming tomorrow

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Authors note: alright y'all so I didn't post because I really wanted baby Kaiser and his birth to be apart of the story more coming tomorrow

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