Father of the Year??

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Wednesday morning
Tray's POV
Today we were going to pick up Bella. When we got to the house Gilly and her discussed arrangements and than we started packing Bella's stuff into the car. The last thing we had to do was put her car seat in the car. Bella's mom showed us how to set it up and than she put Bella in. Chris wanted Bella to have the same outfit as him, so we went to the mall and found them both an adidas sweatsuit and we got baby Bella some Air Force 1s.

That night
Chris's POV
I had just finished putting on Bella's matching outfit as me on and organizing her clothes. Are flight was going to be taking off at nine so I knew we needed to go ahead and get are stuff together and go to the Uber. We got to the Airport around eight and had to check In. I held Bella the whole time. Her smile was everything. I loved her so much to only have known her for the shortest time.
On the flight
Tray's POV
The flight took off on time and Gilly held Bella close as she slept on his chest.
Tray: You ready for all the daddy duties.
Chris: Yea I know I missed a couple years and I can't make it up to her, but now I'm going to be the best dad I can be.
I patted Chris on the back.
Tray: I'll try to be the best uncle I can be.
For the rest of the flight is quiet and calming.
Than are flight finally came to an end. We grabbed are stuff and headed to the uber.

Back in the driveway
Chris POV
Bella had fallen back asleep and we had a lot of stuff to get in. After awhile we finally got everything in. I laid Bella on the couch and set next to her. When I turned around halfway down the stairs were Airi. Tray couldn't even let her get down the stairs before he ran to greet her and pick her up.
Tray: I missed you so much
Airi: I missed you to
It was a whole bunch of lovey dovey stuff going before. Tray and Airi walked over hand and hand.
Chris: Airi this is Bella
Airi: She looks just like you she's perfect
Chris: thanks maybe Dan Dan and Bella can hand out tomorrow
Airi: yeah I'll just have to pick him up from my mom's tomorrow.
Tray: you want me to take your bags to the room.
Chris: please
Airi and Tray grabbed the bags and took them up the stairs.
I laid next to baby Bella who was still soundly asleep.
Chris: Hey I'm a little late to your life and I missed a lot of first. But I want you to know daddy will always be here for you. Because I'm here now and you're my little princess.
Chris planted a kiss on Bella's cheek before falling asleep next to her.

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