Play Date Cancelled

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The next day
Airi's POV
It was ten in the morning Tray laid next to me. He started kissing my neck.
Tray: You ready for this play date today?
I couldn't answer him before I jumped off the bathroom and ran in the bathroom and threw up. Tray came banging on the door.
Tray: Are you okay bae?
Airi: Yes I'll be out in a few
I cleaned my self up and brushed my Teeth before heading back to the room and laying in bed.
Tray: If you want I can tell Chris to reschedule the play date with Dan?
Airi: please thank you
I watched as Tray left the room. I got into a little ball and laid on the bed. Tray must've told Carmen and Nique because they ran in a couple minutes later.
Carmen: Baby mama you okay?
Nique: What's wrong?
Airi: Guys I'm good i think it's the food i ate yesterday.
Nique: You sure
Airi: yeah I think I'll feel better a little later
Carmen: okay baby mamma will let you sit here and sleep.
Airi: Thanks Baby Mamas
Nique and Carmen exited the room I curled up in a ball again and laid down.
Nique's POV
We had just exited the room. Carmen grabbed my arm and pulled me into my room.
Carmen: let's go get Airi a pregnancy test, so when she wakes up she can take it.
Nique: okay lemme go get dressed.
Carmen and me hurried and got dressed than went to Walmart to get Airi a test. We walked in and grabbed like five pregnancy test. We grabbed her some ginger ale too. At checkout the cashier really laughed at us for grabbing 5 test. We paid for the items and headed home. When we got home Gilly was watching some cartoon with Baby Bella and Corey, King and Tray were making breakfast.
Corey: what's in the bag
Carmen: none of your business
Nique: where is Airi?
Tray: she's still in the room laying down
Carmen: Dang Baby Mama must really not be feeling good we've been gone for half an hour.
Nique: Lets go wake her up
Carmen and me ran up to Airi's room yelling trying to wake her up.
Airi: What do y'all want
Carmen: it's time to get up baby mama
Airi: no it's not
Airi covered her face with her cover we opened her curtains to let some light in
Nique: Airi get up
Airi: okay I'm up what do y'all want
Carmen and I handed her the bag we bought you a ginger ale and some test.
Airi begin to laugh at us.
Airi: You guys are funny
Nique: no we're serious go take them
Airi snatched the bag from us and went into the bathroom.

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