25) The Sudden Hurricane with an L

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*one week later*

Yoongi sat with his face resting on his hand as he stared at Jimin, who was practicing for the talent show. Jimin had decide to stay after school ended to sing in the chorus room because they had the best sound quality and Yoongi offered to stay behind. In reality, Yoongi just wanted to stay by Jimin's side and watch him sing. But if he knew what was to come, he would have embraced Jimin sooner instead of sitting there silently.

After Jimin had decided it was enough for today, he and Yoongi felt school and headed to his house in order to meet the others. They were planning to hold a big celebration for Hoseok and Ryujin for getting the award for best studio in Korea. On their way, Yoongi and Jimin went to pick up some snacks and drinks in the market.

Yoongi stood in silence, staring at Jimin who was inspecting the bottles of beer. Eventually, Jimin put 24 bottles of beer in the cart.

Yoongi: Um, babe? Don't you think that's too much beer?

Jimin looks at Yoongi and laughs.

Jimin: Nope! If y'all don't finish it, I will!

Yoongi watches in affection as his boyfriend skips down the aisle to look for some good snacks to eat. God, Yoongi felt so lucky to have someone like Jimin. To hold him in his arms at night, to talk to him for hours on end without getting tired or even just sitting in silence, enjoying the presence of each other. Eventually, they had finished shopping at made their way to Jimin's house.


Ryujin: I'm just saying I'm surrounded by a bunch of helpless gay people!

Ryujin falls over in laughter as the boys give her evil eyes, slowly laughing too.

Hoseok: I'm not gay! Maybe we can hit it off.

Ryujin blushes as she punches Hoseok's arm while the guys laugh at the comment. Some how, the boys found themselves starting to ship Ryujin and Hoseok together, but Ryujin kept refusing.

Ryujin: He's not my type. And anyways, weren't we supposed to being celebrating the award? How'd this topic come along?

Jimin: Cause whenever you and Hoseok talk, we can feel the sexual tension radiating and we feel uncomfortable.

The boys break out into a fit of laughter as Ryujin begins to stomp around the room. Eventually, things calmed down and they found themselves huddled near each other as The Nun played to tv.

Namjoon: So Jimin, how's preparation for the talent show going?

Jimin sighs as he pushed himself off of a sleeping Yoongi and places a hand on his forehead.

Jimin: I'm super stressed! Thanks you you, I'm having to sing in front of the whole school in a WEEK! What if I mess up and everyone laughs at me?! I'll be known as the weirdo again.

Jimin pouts as Yoongi wakes up and wraps his arm around him, missing the warmth Jimin gave.

Hoseok: Hey dude, don't think about what will happen in a month. Don't think about what will happen in a year. Just focus on the goal you want right now and accomplish it. And we'll be there to support you.

Jungkook: We won't support you like that kola around you.

They laugh as Yoongi grumbles in his sleep, pulling Jimin closer into his body.

Taehyung: By the way, how's things going between you and Yoongi?

Jimin smiles as he looks down at Yoongi, who was sleeping on his lap, and playing with his hair.

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