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   Three weeks. It's been three weeks since Jimin's laid in that hospital bed in a coma. Three weeks since Yoongi never left Jimin's side. He'd practically moved into Jimin's room. His clothes and toiletries scattered around the room, wrappers of fast food filling up the trash can. Yoongi even showered there. The other guys tired to tell Yoongi to go home and get some proper rest but Yoongi's answer was always the same.

Yoongi: "i can't leave. What if he wakes up and I'm not there?"

Eventually, the guys started to take turns watching Jimin and Yoongi. They were afraid that Yoongi would end up lying in a hospital bed too if he kept on like this. But Yoongi didn't care. All he cared about was Jimin.
Jimin this and Jimin that. By now, it was clear that Yoongi loved Jimin even if he didn't want to admit it.

Yoongi was currently sitting by Jimin's bed, scanning articles of how long people in comas generally take to wake up. Jin was silently playing his guitar in the corner of the room, stealing glances at Yoongi every few minutes. Jin knew it was time. He knew him and Yoongi needed to have the talk.

Jin: Why don't you go home? I've got Jimin.

Yoongi: No, I'm fine. I can stay.

Jin sighed and got up from the sofa, taking a sit on the corner of Jimin's bed.

Jin: You do know that you're ignoring all of your problems right?

Yoongi shrugged his shoulders, eyes still fixated on the phone screen.

Yoongi: I know.

Jin: You also know that it's an unhealthy coping mechanism right?"

Yoongi: Yes, I'm ignoring that fact too.

Jin went silent, amazed at how Yoongi could do this much for Jimin. Although as he began to think about it, he'd probably do the same if it was Namjoon lying in that hospital bed. Eventually, he gave up trying to make Yoongi go home and decided that if he was going to stay at the hospital, then he'll help him instead.
Jin hopped off the bed, beginning to grab his things.

Jin: Well is you're really going to be like this, then I'm not gonna stop you. But I am going to still take are of you too. I'm heading out to pick up some proper food. Hospital food sucks ass!

Yoongi chuckled as Jin broke out into his windshield laughter. He waved goodbye to a Yoongi before exiting the room, leaving a Yoongi to sit in silence. He turned back around and began to stare at Jimin's face, reaching out to touch his soft skin.

Yoongi: God, I wish you would wake up soon. I'm dying here, waiting for you.

He continued to stare at Jimin's body, his mind wondering off into space. He began to think about what Jin was saying. Yoongi knew what he was doing was wrong, ignoring his health just to watch Jimin. He realized that him sitting there wouldn't make Jimin wake up any faster. And anyways, he needed to be in a healthy state when Jimin did wake up.

Yoongi looked at his phone, seeing the text message form Jin, telling him to come down to the car to help bring up food. He looked at Jimin for a second, racking his brain about whether he should leave his side or not. Eventually, he got up, deciding that Jimin would be fine for five minutes while he went to help with the food. Giving Jimin one last look, he left the room, making his way to Jin's car.

Standing in the elevator with Jin holding two boxes of pizza and Yoongi holding hot wings with the drinks, they talked about how things were going at school and about life in general. Jin was genuinely trying to make Yoongi feel better, knowing that negative poll that all this has taken on Yoongi.

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