Jin's Moment

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Yoongi softly held my hand as if I was made of glass that would shatter at any moment. The tears he had before left marks on his face as he got closer to me, resting his hand on my shoulder. I could feel his hot breathe on my shoulder and brush against my neck, making me shiver in his grasp.


"If you ever need anything, tell me."

Yoongi lifted his head and looked at me.

"I don't care if I'm being murdered, I'll find a way to come to you."

I let out a small gasp. This is not the Yoongi I knew from school. The Yoongi from school was stoic and rough and could not give a shit about anyone other than himself. But the Yoongi in front of me, the one holding my hand and treating me like I'm special, is sweet and comforting. He's like a fur coat that surrounds my body when I'm too cold. He's everything opposite than what I thought he was.

Finally, I realized how close Yoongi and I were. His hand was still grasping mind tightly and our faces were centimeters apart, our breathes molding together. Yoongi's eyes were glued to my lips and I was afraid to move. Yoongi slowly got closer to me, our lips nearly touching. Yoongi left out a sigh.

"I want to kiss you."

His voice was more like a breathe rather than a whisper.

"Then what's the problem? What's stopping you?"

I don't know why I asked that but right now, my mouth seemed to not be listening to my head as I subconsciously leaned in closer to Yoongi, our lips brushing against each other.

"The problem is," he said as he as he leaned in too, "if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."

Fuck it.

"Then don't stop."

Yoongi licked his lips as his eyes flicked from my lips to my eyes. We leaned into the kiss, time seeming to go slower as the desperation for contact was getting stronger.

Suddenly, the door flew open.

"Jimin, we're-"

Yoongi and I practically flew away from each other at the sudden voice. Jin stopped in his tracks after catching Yoongi and I red-handed. Namjoon and Hoseok followed shortly after, slowly starting to understand the situation after looking at our faces.

"Um, are we interrupting something?"

Jin rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed at the fact that he came at the wrong time.

"No, I was just leaving."

Yoongi got up from the floor, pulling me up with him. He turned my hand over and pulled out a pen, writing digits, which I assumed was his number, on my hand. He gave me one last look before leaving me standing with Jin and the rest.

"Hi, Hyungs."



Hoseok ran towards me, engulfing me in a tight hug. I laughed and hugged him back tightly, missing the warm aura he always gave. Namjoon also came and gave me a hug before punching my shoulder, lecturing me about how I made the three of them worry so much.

"I'm sorry, hyungs. I was having a rough time."

I finally realized that Jin hadn't come to me yet. I turned and looked at him. He was standing there in silence, just staring at my body. Suddenly, he ran towards me, pushing Hoseok and Namjoon away, and hugging me tightly, taking the air out of my lungs.

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