Accepting You?

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There they were, Yoongi and Jimin sitting on his couch. Jimin shifted awkwardly, notching how Yoongi's been staring and smiling at him nonstop. He took a deep breathe and turned to face Yoongi.

Jimin: Um, so, you're in love with me...?

Yoongi's smiled brighten ten times as he got closer to Jimin.

Yoongi: Yup~~~~

Jimin's face scrunched together, not believing that this was really Yoongi. Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hands and held them tightly.

Jimin: Listen Yoongi, this is really sudden. Maybe what you're feeling isn't...what you're feeling.

Yoongi frowned.

Yoongi: So you're...rejecting me?

Jimin: NO, no! I'm not rejecting you. I'm just trying to understand. Maybe what you're feeling is a spur on the moment type of thing.

Yoongi's face got serious as he took his hands out of Jimin's and held his hands instead.

Yoongi: Listen Jimin, you may believe that what I feel for you isn't real. But, I won't stop trying to prove to you how much I really care.

Jimin looked down, trying to remove his hands from Yoongi's to which he tightened his grip.

Jimin: But why? When if we did try, what happens when you figure out how bad I am, how disappointing I am? 

Tears brimmed Jimin's eyes as Yoongi placed a hand of Jimin's cheek and gripped his hands.

Yoongi: Jimin, I fell in love with you because you aren't like anybody else, and you don't try to be. Do not think for one second that you'll disappoint me. I will love you no matter what.

Jimin sighed. It's not that he didn't like this, Yoongi's confession. Hell, it was so happy. But knowing everything that's happened to him in the past, he was afraid. Afraid that things would end with Yoongi the way they ended up with Mark, him hurt and the other leaving.

But he knew, Yoongi wasn't like Mark, wasn't like anyone else. He was special. He would treat Jimin right. But that was also a problem. Jimin was afraid that he'd one day take advantage of Yoongi's love.

Yoongi grew tired of the silence Jimin gave and he began to talk a bit louder, harsher. He stood up from the couch, his hand not leaving Jimin's.

Yoongi: Alright listen, it's you. It's fucking you. I can't describe it anymore. You are the only one I will ever want, I belong with you. You are my home. I look at you, and somehow I see 50 years from now, on the porch of some old house in the middle of nowhere, and we're together. I need you, baby.

By now, Jimin had tears staining his cheeks. His head was held down and he shook in Yoongi's embrace. Yoongi wiped Jimin's tears off with his thumb and chucked.

Yoongi: God, you're so beautiful...

Jimin, even if he didn't want to admit it, was captivated by Yoongi. Nothing in the world could change the moment that was happening right now. This, this moment with Yoongi, it was all Jimin needed to feel perfect.

Jimin: Tell me one thing, one thing that's the truth and you believe in.

Yoongi sucked in his breathe, placing a hand on Jimin's cheek as he lend into Yoongi's touch. Yoongi spoke, barely above a whisper.

Yoongi: I love you. And that's the truth

Ok before you yell at me, yeah I now it's a short chapter. But I forget I was supposed to update today. And today, honestly hasn't been so great. I didn't sleep much last night so I'm feeling really lethargic and not like myself. And most of the time, when I don't sleep despite my meds, it means that I'm about to have a relapse. So I wanted to give y'all a happy chapter before I go on a bit of a hiatus(maybe). Just know that I haven't given up on this book and I will continue. Love ya~~~💜🦋💜

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