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-3 Years Later-

Louis was downstairs in the kitchen, making breakfast like he liked to do sometimes. Even though they still had Hector, it was a very special day. It was the girls' first day of nursery school. He really didn't want them to go, but he knew it would be for the best. He made baby pancakes with fresh fruit and yogurt. He placed everything at the table, going upstairs to wake the girls. He went into their room, smiling at the sleeping girls. "Baby girls, it's time to wake up. I have breakfast for you downstairs." Louis whispered softly.

Penelope was the first to wake with bright eyes and her curly brown hair still pulled tightly into the braid that grew each day. She smiled up at her mama and giggled, sleepy eyes full of love. "We go to shool day!" She said, her speech still slightly imperfect, but she was honestly smart for her age. A few seconds later they heard a small groan, followed by a blanket moving. Kayzlie, who was too much like her father, had curled into a ball and pulled the blanket up over her head. "No! Me sleepin'." She grumbled, her usually soft voice grainy with sleep. She was not at all an early bird, and she hated waking up before she was ready to.

Louis chuckled. "Good morning baby girls. But you have to get up Kay-Kay, I have pancakes waiting for you." He said and rubbed her back, chuckling at her pin straight hair that was sticking in all sorts of directions. "You two are going to love school. You're gonna make friends and learn so many things. You need to get up baby girl. Need to eat and then brush your teeth and get dressed." Louis hummed.

Kayzlie kicked her blankets off and glared at Louis, her straight, light brown hair falling in front of her eyes. "I'm findin Daddy," she grumbled as she scrambled out of bed in her light pink pajamas with fluffy white clouds littered across them. "School is stupid!" She yelled at Louis as she stormed out of her room and walked the short distance to the nursery, where she knew her papa was. "Mama's stupid," she said as soon as she walked into the room, blowing her hair out of her face as she popped her hip out and looked up at Harry.

Harry had went into the nursery to wake up Oliver while Louis went in to wake up the girls. He was a little over a year old, with chunky cheeks, curly brown hair and hazel eyes. "Hi, baby boy," he cooed down to the baby who was just now waking up. He kicked for a few seconds, stretched, then reached up to Harry. "Oh no, I hear your sister coming," he said in mock horror when he heard that little voice yell at Louis, followed by her tiny feet stomping down the hallway. "Why is that, little one?" He asked when she walked in and yelled about Louis being stupid. He bent down with an arm open to her. She instantly walked over to him and climbed up him, her long legs wrapping around his waist as she wrapped her arms around his neck and buried her face in his shoulder. With her balanced on his one hip, he picked Oliver up and began to walk down the stairs. "School *incoherent mumbles* friends, *babbling*" Kayzlie said, Harry only catching a few words but he nodded anyway and hummed when she paused to see if he was listening.

Louis sighed heavily. He knew it would be hard to get Kayzlie to go, and he absolutely hated when Kayzlie was mad at him, which was usually a lot. Louis looked at Penelope. "Let's go baby girl." He said and picked up the little girl, holding her on his hip as he walked downstairs, following Harry. "You know Kay-Kay, it's not my choice to send you to school. It's just something you have to do." Louis said and set Penelope down at her place at the table, pouring her a sippy cup of apple juice. "Do you forgive me baby girl? Don't want you to be mad at me." He pouted.

Kayzlie glanced up from her seat at the table, which was right next to Harry's, and took the sippy cup full of apple juice her dad offered her. "Come on, grumpy puss, mama made you breakfast," Harry whispered to the glaring toddler, poking her in her side before he dished her up a plate of pancakes, fruit, and gave her a little cup of the yogurt. She giggled and smiled widely at Harry before she looked over at Louis. "I not mad, mama," she said, her sweet side shining through now that she had food. Harry sighed and shook his head, grinning up at Louis with an arched eyebrow. This, this little creation, was theirs. They made her to be a sassy little shit who just so happens to hate mornings.

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