You're the monster I never meant to create

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The past week has consisted with a lot of planning, and countless nights of Louis worrying about how this was going to go. What if he screwed up and Desmond somehow killed Harry? That thought worried him constantly, which wasn't good for the babies. Today was the day. The day they were going to kill Desmond. The day that Harry could finally get redemption for all the years of pain Des had put Harry through. He walked up the sidewalk to the large house that Desmond lived in. He slowly walked up the front steps, which seemed like an eternity because of the long path way up to the front door. He looked on either side of the house, seeing two of Harry's men on each side. They gave him a nod to continue. Louis took a deep breath and rang Desmond's doorbell, nervousness building like a pit in his stomach.

An older man with thinning hair and wrinkles surrounding his cold eyes opened the door a crack, only allowing enough room to show his slender frame. "Hello, sir. How may I help you?" He asked, accent thick, making him sound proper. He'd been a servant his entire life. He's worked for the Styles family for forty out of his fifty two years of service.

Harry sat in an suv parked across the street from Desmond's mansion, car hidden behind the large trees and shrubs that surrounded his childhood home. He couldn't see anything, but he didn't need to. Louis was wearing a microphone in the designer watch Harry had gave him, allowing Harry and all of his men to hear what was being said. The moment something went wrong, or something didn't sound right, all forty four of Harry's men, who were surrounding the mansion, but were hidden, would charge the house. Desmond didn't have much security due to his pride, so Harry's men could easily have access to the house.

But the longer Harry set there, which felt like forever when it was really only five seconds, he turned in his seat to look at Isaah, one of his more intelligent men, and pointed at the black bag sitting at his feet. "Hack his security cameras. I want to see everything that is going on," Harry ordered him, stomach tied into uncomfortable knotts. He didn't think anything bad would happen, but he still had this feeling in his gut that he just couldn't ignore.

Louis looked at the man, smiling wide. "Hello sir. I have an appointment with Desmond Styles. I contacted him earlier this week to talk about.. things." Louis said, giving the man a certain 'look'. There was always a certain look one man gave another when business needed to be done, without saying it directly. He was good at hiding his nervousness. He looked cool, calm, and collected.

Samuel, one of Harry's men nodded at the request. "We are currently gaining access to the cameras." He said into his speaker, sounds of typing hitting Harry's ear. "And there, we have full access to ever single camera in the house. Louis is currently on monitor three, talking to an old man. Seems to be a servant for Desmond Styles." He said.

Harry had the laptop already sitting on his lap, and with a few clicks, he had access to the live feed from camera three. "If this goes south, do not harm him. Jenson is an old servant of mind, and he's been nothing but kind," Harry barked into the microphone, eyes pinned on the screen. Louis looked well put together, and if it wasn't for that nervous tap of his finger on his thigh every few seconds, Harry would have trusted him too, and wouldn't have thought twice about his true intentions.

The server, Jenson, eyed the heavily pregnant boy for a second before he nodded and stepped aside, the door opening wide enough for Louis to enter the house. With one last lingering gaze at the front lawn, just to check that everything was fine, Jenson closed the door and turned to face Louis with his arms clasped behind his back. "Master Styles is in his office on the fourth floor. If you do not feel like taking to stairs, there is an elevator down this hallway," he said, pointing down the hallway directly behind Louis.

Louis looked at Jenson, smiling wide. "Thank you so much sir." He said and stepped inside. He sighed in relief when the word 'elevator' hit his ears. He went to the elevator and pressed the '4' button, rubbing his hands on his back. Everyday that went by he continuously got more and more uncomfortable. He rode in the elevator, it dinging when it hit the fourth floor. He stepped out and walked down the hallway, looking for Desmond's office.

"Of course sir, we won't lay a hand on him." Samuel said into the microphone as he looked around. All the men were prepared for the worst to happen, and obviously they didn't want anything bad to happen. But it was good to be prepared.

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