We're going to have to kill him

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Harry stared at the box in front of him, paper and bubble wrap thrown around his feet and littering the bedroom floor. "Where am I putting this one?" Harry asked, glancing up from the open box long enough to look at Louis. In the past hour he has put together both swings, one bouncer and one chair. The other two chairs remained in three pieces at the bottom of the stairs.

Harry and Louis set in the middle of the nursery, all the furniture that was put together in specific places that Harry chose. The room had yet to be painted, but he wanted to get an idea of how everything would look in the placed he envisioned. After he was finished getting an idea on how he wanted it, he would move all the furniture into the guest room where it would remain until Louis and Harry painted the room, per Louis' request (and Harry agreed because he still felt bad about what happened yesterday)

Louis looked over at him. He shrugged. "I don't know. You basically chose what you wanted to go in here. Didn't you have a vision?" Louis asked, still quite snappy with the man. Sometimes Louis' moods lasted a lot longer than they should. But, he was pregnant and he could always use that as an excuse. Louis sighed and looked back down at his lap. He wasn't really doing much. He would try and do something, get frustrated and Harry would take over.

Harry frowned and poked the box with his toe. "Thought I'd get your opinion," he mumbled before grabbing the box and pulling out all the different pieces. The nursery was large, allowing enough room for the girls to have their own separate sides of the room with a lot of remaining space. He's already almost set up one side of the room, just now needing to get the crib finished and it would be done. "But I'll just stick to my original plan," Harry breathed out, a little irritated now. He has apologized and tried getting Louis to understand that the meeting was important, but he didn't care. He didn't want to hear how Harry's idea for the suicidal teens got launched yesterday and everybody attending the meeting loved it, so the building he had recently purchased would be renovated and turned into the... Not hospital.

Louis looked at Harry, feeling a little bad now. "Well do you want help? All I'm doing is just sitting here. I don't even know what else to set up. There's so many things left. Especially this side of the room. Should I set up the other crib while you do that one? I think the cribs should be right across from each other. So then when they wake up in the morning when they're older they can roll over and coo at each other." Louis smiled.

"No!" Harry said a little too quickly, and a little too harshly. "I mean, no," he said in a much gentler voice. "You need to relax. I don't want you touching anything, or straining yourself by trying to put something together," He seen the glare, and felt the hate behind it, but he wouldn't back down. Louis didn't need to try and lift the boxes and hurt his back and possibly pull something just because he wanted to feel useful.

Louis frowned. "I'm bored just sitting here. I said we should do this together, not me telling you where to put things." Louis huffed. "I'm gonna be so happy when I'm not pregnant anymore." He whined and crossed his arms over his bump. "Can't I do something? Please? Something little? Maybe organizing the girls' clothes? I already washed all of them. I could put them into piles to be put in the dresser and closet?"

Harry frowned, still not liking the idea of Louis doing anything, but this option was probably the best he would get. Louis wasn't the type of person who set back and lets someone do everything for him. So, Harry could either agree and let him do something as easy as folding clothes, or it would have turned into a fight. "Fine, but no lifting anything heavy," Harry warned as he climbed up onto his knees. He didn't even glance at the instructions for the crib. He figured he could do it, considering he's done much harder things in his life.

Louis smiled. "Thank you." He hummed. He stood up and went over to the closet, dragging out the large laundry basket that was sitting in there. He sat back down in the middle of the floor and began folding everything, making two separate large piles, one for each baby girl. Then separated those piles into different types; long onesies, leggings, short sleeve onesies. Everything under the sun that they got. Louis looked at everything, his bottom lip trembling out of nowhere. "It's so cute." Louis sniffled. "Everything's so small." Louis said, beginning to cry. He didn't know why he started crying out of nowhere. But he swore his emotions were getting worse as each day passed.

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