I'm a fucking queer?

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Over the next week, Harry and Louis' relationship had grown tremendously. Harry was very caring toward Louis, and he was the same toward Harry. Things were very different from last time Louis was with Harry. It wasn't like a real relationship though. Love wasn't involved. So far, it was just two adults who cared about each other. Since Harry got rid of everything in his house while Louis was gone, they were now shopping for things for the babies and the nursery. They were currently at Babies R Us, looking around at the different furniture and different themes for the nursery. He looked over at Harry. "What do you think the theme of their nursery should be? Something really cute. Last time it was just pink, but I think we can do better than that."

Harry, who was pushing a cart around and looking very out of place standing in the middle of the girls aisle, hummed and looked around. "I think we should do turquoise walls with elephants as the theme," he said, speaking easily and not at all fazed. There was a reason his house was featured in magazines so regularly; he had a good taste. He walked up to a shelf and grabbed a half circle looking pillow, and furrowed his eyebrows as he read it. "Nursing pillow," the directions on the back said it was supposed to wrap around your stomach, and allowed the baby to rest in it so you could breastfeed it with no hands. He shrugged and threw it in the csrt, knowing it probably wouldn't be used, but not caring.

Louis hummed as he envisioned it in his head. "That sounds really cute. Just elephants or other animals? I think adding a giraffe or maybe panda bears would be cute." He said. He looked at the pillow. "That could be helpful when I'm feeding them both at the same time. Helps with breastfeeding." He said and looked around. "Should I get a breast pump?" Louis asked looking at Harry. "Maybe just in case if they need to be bottle fed." He said putting it in the cart. "There's so many things." Louis whined.

Harry frowned as Louis ruined the vision in his head. He didn't want it zoo themed. He wanted it elephant themed, meaning he only wanted that giant ass grey thing with the long nose on his children's wall. "No, only elephants. And yeah, but get a double pump one, and not one of those cheap flimsy ones," Harry said, throwing random items in his cart as he walked down the aisle. He was getting more than they'd ever need, or even use, but these were his children and he'd splurge if he damn well felt like it. Before, Louis didn't give Harry a say in anything involving the children, so this was a nice change.

Louis sighed. "Fine. But I think some of the elephants should be pink." Louis said. "They're girls. I want it to be pink." He whined. "They are my children too. Last time you didn't care much about what I did for the room. And why elephants? Why not something cuter than an animal that's big, grey, and weighs like 3 tons." Louis huffed. "What about teddy bears? Or zebras? Maybe forest animals?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head on every animal Louis said and crossed his arms over his chest. "Big. Fat. Grey. Elephants." He said, cocking an eyebrow in a way that dared Louis to argue. "Maybe a few pink, but that is a big maybe!" Harry said only because the idea of pink elephants wasn't too unappealing. Returning back to the task at hand, Harry grabbed a changing table off of the bottom shelf and set it upright in the cart. "One or two?" He asked, looking up at Louis. "Fuck it, two it is,"

Louis huffed. "If the elephants aren't going to be pink then I want the walls to be pink. Maybe pink with thin stripes of turquoise?" Louis asked. "It's just their bedroom anyway." Louis said. "And are they going to sleep in there when they're newborns or are we going to do a co-sleeping thing?" Louis asked him. Louis grabbed some covers for the changing table and threw them into the cart.

Harry tapped the handle of the cart and stared down the aisle at nothing in particular. Did he want them sleeping in the same bed as them, or in their own room? "Maybe they can co-sleep with us a few nights a week, but I also want them to sleep in their cribs so they don't scream when we do the switch over," Harry said. He wanted to experience all there is to with their children, but he was determined not to make them snobby kids who cling to him and Louis twenty four seven.

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