Just leave. You ruined us.

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~Two months later, Louis' POV~

Louis was excited for his doctor's appointment today. He loved seeing his babies on the screen. He was starting to get anxious about what they would look like. He also was anxious to get them out because he was very sick of being pregnant, moving into his seventh month was hard. His back hurt, his ankles hurt and it was even harder to move around. He waddled a lot now, most of the time. Louis went to the appointment with his mum. When they got there and were in the room, he was a little emotional because this would be the first ultrasound Harry would miss. "There's your baby girls. Big and healthy." Leslie smiled at them. Louis looked at Jay and grinned, blinking quickly to try to blink away his tears.

Jay covered her mouth with her hand and stared with tear filled eyes at the screen. She had seen pictures before of the little beans, but she had never been to an actual ultrasound for them. "They're beautiful," she whispered, breathless. She couldn't even begin to describe the feeling she got at seeing her grandbabies for the very first time. Even with the blurry picture that at the moment only showed one of the babies, she could make out her small nose and full lips. The baby looked like Harry, but she didn't tell Louis. These past two months have been hard on him without Harry making any move to rekindle their marriage, or even show that he still cared.

Louis looked at the screen and nodded. "They are. I can't believe how beautiful they are. I hope I can tell them apart." He said and rubbed the top of his bump that didn't have gel on it. "They look like they have Harry's nose." He said biting his lip. "What if they look nothing like me?" He asked. "I want my kids to look like me." Louis said and looked at Jay. "I don't want them to look like Harry." He said, looking down at his bump.

"Oh hush, love. They'll look like you," she said, swatting at his arm playfully. She didn't actually know if they would, but wouldn't doubt if they didn't. From what she has seen, the Styles genes are strong. They are all overly beautiful creatures with dazzling smiles and strong, sharp features. If these kids looked anything like Louis, it would be a miracle.

Louis looked at Jay. "Harry looks nothing like his mum." He sniffled and rubbed his eyes. "Neither does his sister. There's two of them. They'll probably both look like Harry and every time I go out into public with them they'll think I kidnapped them." Louis said. "At least I got my girls. Harry wanted boys." Louis smiled.

Jay snorted and rolled her eyes. "Talk to his mum, I'm sure she went through the same struggle," she said, smiling. All of her kids looked like her in some way or another, so she didn't have to worry about all the things Louis was. Sighing, she scooted towards Louis a little more, having difficulty because the space in here was so cramped, and kissed his forehead. "You won't even care what they look like when they are born. When those babies are placed in your arms, nothing will matter if they are healthy."

Louis looked at Jay. "I know I'll love them no matter what." He said and groaned as he stood up. Louis looked down at his large bump and sighed. "I can't wait for this to be over." He said. "Have you had a c-section? I'm really scared to be cut open like that, but I don't have a choice. I'm just really nervous. What if something goes wrong?" Louis asked and rubbed his bump. "It's just getting closer to the due date and I'm nervous."

Jay looped her arms with Louis' to help him stand still and steady. "That's understandable, babe. Giving birth is scary," she said before lifting up her shirt to point at the six inch scar that was just barely covered by the waistband of her jeans. "I had one with Lottie," she said, nodding at Louis' question. "Scared the piss out of me. Her heart rate dropped when she was in the birth canal, so they rushed me into an emergency c-section. I didn't know what was going on or if my baby was going to be okay. Nobody told me, but do you want to know what helped calm me down?" She asked, opening the door for them after she dropped her shirt to cover up her belly once again. Leslie, the doctor Jay absolutely adores, was on the phone with someone so she just waved goodbye to her.

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