That was it. It's over.

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Louis couldn't process the thoughts going through his brain. Five minutes ago he was sitting in his living room, having a fun time with friends and family to celebrate his children. And now here he was, standing in the middle of the doorway, more and more blood coming out of him, soaking his jeans completely, a puddle forming on the floor. He heard a scream, not realizing it was his own. He couldn't look at Harry. He immediately felt guilty for not telling him about his pains before.

Harry didn't understand what was going on. He could see the blood, could feel Louis' trembling hand crushing his own, but nothing made sense. He was okay just a few minutes ago, he had been okay all day. "Call an ambulance, now!" Harry said, everything rushing back to him and hitting him with full force. This amount of blood wasn't good, something was wrong, and if he didn't act fast he could lose his babies. "You need-- we need to get you sat down," Harry said, mind working and gears turning and spinning on overdrive as he tried to process this all, tried to think of what this could mean.

"I'm calling!" Jay called out as she was freaking out as well, since she was his mother. Louis looked down. There was. So. Much. Blood. Louis began crying, shaking his head. "W-What's happening to me?" He whimpered. He could feel himself getting weaker with each moment that passed. His eyes got heavy, looking at Harry. "I'm tired.." He trailed off. He groaned as he felt a pain in his lower abdomen. "I-I'm sorry." He whimpered.

Harry could barely hear him, could barely register what was happening before Louis' head lulled back and his body began to fall; folding in on itself. He reacted before he even knew what he was doing, and his arms were around Louis' body, gentle hands gripping his arms as he slowly lowered their bodies to the floor. He didn't care about his shirt or pants. They could get ruined for all he cared. "Louis, stay with me," Harry said, voice oddly calm as he began to lightly tap Louis' cheek, blood covering his hand. He.. He didn't know what was wrong. He couldn't do anything to make it better!

Louis groaned, his eyes closed. He couldn't find the strength to do it. "I-I should have told you I was having pains earlier." Louis mumbled, sounding groggy. "I'm sorry. Will you.. will you tell the girls I love them?" Louis asked as his eyes closed, his body going limp. Jay came to them. "No, no. Baby boy wake up." She said, tears in her eyes. She heard sirens. "The ambulance is here." She said and sniffled.

Red hot anger seared through Harry's veins, and for a second his vision was rimmed with red but tbrm Louis went limp, the only sign of life the shallow breaths he took. "Hurry your fucking asses up! He's bleeding!" Harry shouted to the men who came rushing into his house, a gurney in tow behind them. His house was loud with activity. The guests were screaming, and those who weren't were crying, Harry's staff was rushing in to see if they could help, and the paramedics were pushing everybody back. One of them made the mistake of trying to take Louis away from Harry, but with a predatory growl that ripped his throat raw, they backed off and allowed the man to set the unconscious boy on the bed. He was so careful, heart strangling him as he just stood there and stared at Louis' pale face.

The paramedics talked to each other, trying to figure out what was wrong with him. They got Louis onto gurney, making their way to the ambulance. Jay and Harry followed, another paramedic with them. "Who are you to him?" He asked, asking general questions to make sure who they were. "Only one of you can come into the ambulance." He said. Jay sniffled and looked at Harry. "I'm his mother. But those are your children in him. I'll follow the ambulance in my car. Please make sure no one hurts my baby." Jay whimpered. "Please make sure he's okay." She said to Harry and the paramedics before grabbing her car keys to follow the ambulance.

"I'm his husband," Harry said to the man, watching confusedly as Jay walked away. She wasn't going to fight, and Harry found himself respecting the woman. He climbed into the back of the ambulance when the man told him to and set on a little bench type thing, his hand automatically finding Louis' cold, limp one. "How far along is he?" The man asked him as he took a seat next to Louis. Harry watched as the man put these red, sticky things on Louis' stomach after he lifted up his shirt, and a small white clamp thing on his finger. A few seconds later both screens were turned on. The first one was Louis' heartbeat, which was worryingly low, and the second one had two separate heartbeats that appeared to be normal; healthy. "He's a week away from eight months," Harry answered, voice monotone and void of any emotion.

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