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The days following Louis’ arrival were nothing special. The boy stayed locked up in his room for the most part of the day. It wasn’t until his fifth night there that he got courageous enough to explore the mansion that is now his house. He didn’t find anything interesting. There were numerous rooms, probably more than ten that were going unused. There was a library, a study with a fireplace, two living rooms and on the second floor was where Harry stayed most of the day.

Louis still didn’t have the courage to explore that level of the house yet. Harry told him that was his area of the house, and that even though he didn’t want Louis to bug him while he was in his office, he could still explore the rest of the rooms.

Louis didn’t feel comfortable doing so. He wanted to please Harry. He didn’t want to upset him. So he simply stayed where he knew he was allowed.

The only time they ever seen each other was during breakfast and dinner. Harry usually had his lunch brought up to his office. During their time together, they ate in silence unless Harry spoke first. Louis was being good. He didn’t want to upset Harry, so he kept his mouth shut. That rule was hardest for him to follow, but he did so. He didn’t want to be punished.

The house was constantly busy. If the maids weren’t cleaning, then there were people constantly coming in and out of Harry’s office. They were all powerful looking men with expensive looking suits, but they didn’t carry themselves like Harry did. Harry was obviously their leader, the man who called all the shots, and even when he wasn’t in a room, he was still dominating it. He left behind an impression on people that had them fear him, but respect him at the same time.

Louis has also learned that Harry enjoys his privacy. When he was in a meeting, Louis was supposed to go to his room and remain there until a maid told him he could come out. Louis wasn’t supposed to bother him either. Harry scared Louis when he was with those men, though, so Louis would never even think about bothering him even if he was aloud to.

Today was the sixth day of Louis being here, and he was set at the opposite end of the table, nervously pulling at the loose sweater he wore. He didn’t have much clothes here with him. Harry didn’t know his size, so he didn’t buy more than a few outfits, all ranging in sizes, though they all drowned Louis. He was tiny.

Food was laid out in front of him, and it smelt delicious. It was some type of soup with rolls and a salad. “Hello, sir,” Louis said, bowing his head when he seen Harry casually stroll into the room. He was such a good boy. Always being so submissive.

Harry sat down at his usual seat and instantly began eating, not even bothering to greet Louis. He had skipped lunch today, regrettably, so he was starving. “I’ll be leaving tomorrow,” Harry informed Louis after some minutes of silence passed, the only real noise the sound of Louis slurping his soup.

Louis swallowed his mouthful of food and looked up and Harry. “Okay sir,” he said, not daring to say more. He knew better than to pry about Harry’s work life. Even if he was disappointed that Harry was leaving, he wouldn’t say so. That was not his place.

Harry glanced up and watched Louis for a second as he twirled his spoon through his soup. His first reaction was to tell Louis not to play with his food, but he didn’t say anything, it reminding him of a small child. “I’ll be gone for no longer than a day,” Harry said, breaking off a piece of his roll and popping it into his mouth. “I will be taking you clothes shopping tomorrow morning before I leave,”

Louis nodded and bit his lip, not saying anything until he glanced up and got a silent nod from Harry. “What time should I wake up, sir?” he asked, blushing.

The Arrangement || Larry Stylinson || COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now