He saw hope

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Harry laughed loudly and tipped his head back so it now rested on the back of the chair. He was in a business meeting right now, at one of the buildings he owns across town from his home, but he honestly felt like he was at a comedy show. These fucking idiots have tried talking him into lowering prices for their new hybrid drug because they would sell a lot more, but none had been as amusing as the jackass who sat in the seat next to Harry.

The leader wiped the tears away from his eyes and continued shaking from his dying laughter. "That was.." He broke off and shook his head. Jesus. "If you honestly expect me to lower prices, don't bring that shit in here," Harry said, finally calming down. This was... This was just too good.

"I'll tell you what," Harry said, leaning on the table with his arms folded underneath him. "I will continue to sell them at the price they are, then we will stop selling completely for a week. Find all the local drug dealers, and buy them out before we do anything else. Then, within a week's time, there will be a high demand for it and..." He cut off and turned his head towards the smart ass. "Do you know what that means, Einstein?" Harry asked, a sweet, and obviously fake, smile forming his plump lips.

"You can raise the price, while actually selling more than we originally thought?" The kid said, voice wavering and heavy with uncertainty.

"Good boy!" Harry praised him, patting him on the head. They immediately jumped into their plan of action. Harry was so lost in the meeting that he didn't catch what time the clock above his door read. Therefore, he didn't know he was late for a very, very important meeting.

Louis had been clearing out the spare room closest to their room for the babies nursery. He had been trying to distract himself to give Harry some space, like the therapist had said. He was exhausted, and his back hurt from moving things around. He decided to stop, not wanting to strain himself especially since he was pregnant. He stood up from where he was on the floor and stretched, rubbing his bump. "Are you babies hungry? Because mummy is. I think I want a peanut butter sandwich with some pickles and.. I don't know what else." He hummed and walked downstairs. He furrowed his eyebrows when he saw a bunch of men and woman sitting in his living room. "Um, excuse me? Are you here to see Harry? He's in a meeting." Louis said to them. He saw the way they were dressed and furrowed his eyebrows. "Why are you here?" He asked.

Oscar stood off in the corner of the room. He had been looking at the pictures Harry had hung in his living room, all art from the same man, but Oscar didn't know who, when he heard a voice behind him. He knew it wasn't the prostitutes, because he had gave them strict orders to stay silent. Eyebrows furrowing, Oscar turned around and smiled when he seen the boy he recognized as Louis.

"Hello," he greeted the young man. "I don't believe we've properly met before. I'm Oscar, business partners with Harry, " he said, holding his hand out to Louis. He didn't mention what kind of business, because he didn't know if Louis knew about this meeting today or not, and he didn't want to start any problems.

Louis looked at Oscar. "Hi. It's nice to meet you. But can you tell me who the hell all these people are doing in my living room." Louis said and looked at Oscar. "All these people are here and I don't know why." Louis said looking around the room. He didn't understand.

Oscar slowly put his hand down and sighed, easily hiding his worry. He didn't know what he was supposed to say, but stuck with his gut feeling and just went with a sort of twisted truth. "I work for the government," Oscar began, taking a seat on one of the chairs. "When a child is chosen to be a prostitute, they are sent to me and I get them ready before sending them out into rings. Harry owns a lot of the rings in the UK, so he gets first pick of each batch. I brought his newest batch here today so he could meet them and decide if he would like to employ any of them, or choose new ones," Oscar said, smiling softly at the terrified teens who set on the couches. There were nine of them today, five males and four females. This newest set were far more shy than any of the others ones he's dealt with, but he knew if anybody could break them in such a short period of time, it would be Harry.

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