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*Sixteen years ago*

Athenas POV

"Aurora, You can't just take my baby!"

"Oh but I can, You see the moment Ansgar wrote away your life he wrote away every life you may have produced as well! so therefore I can and I will take your baby."

I gently touched my stomach feeling the small flutters of my unborn child that was going to be yanked away from me as soon as they were born. I couldn't risk trying to escape because it would most likely get me killed.

I haven't seen Ansgar in four long months because Athena refuses to tell him about the baby so she's forced him to stay away until she gives the "ok"

How could someone be so evil? so power hungry that they're willing to tear a family apart and destroy anyone who gets in their way.

My baby grew as the months flew by, and so did the dread of what was to come its been nine months since I last saw my love and now I'm about to have my baby yanked away from me. I don't know if I'll be able to handle it much longer.

I suddenly felt a sharp pain in my lower stomach and knew all to well that my baby was gracing this world with their presence, Oh shoot this can't happen yet I'm not ready! I'm not ready to have my child yanked away from me so with one spilt decision I decided I would try the best I could to silently have this baby so I could spend as much time with the as I could.

So with that in mind I proceeded to wait out the labor until I knew it was time to push and then I bit down and pushed with all my might I pushed for what felt like hours but was probably only twenty-five minutes. I soon heard the small cries of my child and reached over to pick the baby up.

I let out a small cry as I noticed my baby was a boy and gently whispered his name into his ear

"Your name shall be Asmodeus, you will be named after the Prince of Hell and I pray that you grow the strength behind the name"

I gently lifted him up to look at his hip making sure his name had appeared in the way it does with every God and Goddess with satisfaction I laid him back down and gave him the snuggles that we were soon to be denied. I allowed us to snuggle for a little while more before I let out a little scream so that Aurora could come grab him and that she did.

"Well what do we have here? a little baby boy"

I sat there and watched that filthy woman take my baby out of my hands and snuggle him close that motion there made me want to rip her throat out.

"What should I name him? Oh I know"

I watched her whisper a name in his ear with a smirk on my face knowing that he was already named and that no other name could be given to him. The children of any breed can only be named by their blood parents something this ding bat should known that but she's a vampire apparently she's not the brightest. I watched as she lifted him up to check his hip, I watched as she let out a scream of anger and turn to glare at me with the utmost hate she could muster and all I could was laugh.

"You named him already!"

The fury in her eyes was beautiful as she realized she lost that battle

"If you were smarter you would know only the parents can name their baby and no one else"

"So yeah I named my son"

I watched Aurora stomp out of the room with my son in hands knowing it would be the last time I ever saw my son.

Asmodeus, I promise I will find you and we'll destroy this sick woman.

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